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Once they finally reached a good place of the reserve, they all looked around to make sure there were no cops around

"Are you sure we can't go back? This place gives me the creeps'' Irene whined in fear as she clung onto Scott's waist

Irene had used to like the woods but night time changed that and now it was just creepy. And now there was half a body of some poor murdered person, which didn't make the situation any better

"Please? It's not too late to turn back" suggested to Stiles

"You're the ones who are always bitching about how nothing ever happens in this town" He replied with a shrug as he turned on the flashlight

"Hey! That was you and Scott. Leave me out of this" Irene huffed

"Anyways I was going to get an early sleep for practice tomorrow" Scott mumbled

"Right, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort" Stiles commented in a sarcastic tone

"No. Because this year I'm playing. In fact, I'm making First line" Scott said confidently and Irene gave a small squeeze of his hand to get him to slow down as they began heading further into the woods

"Aye! That's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one"

"Stiles be nice! You'll do great. Scotty I believe in you" Irene smiled, still holding Scott's hand as they struggled to keep up with Stiles

As the three of them continued to walk through the woods, being guided by Stiles who was the one holding the flashlight. Irene began to feel uneasy once again and Scott did as well, placing his free hand into his pocket

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked anxiously

"Huh I didn't even think about that" Stiles nervously admitted

"Okay. Stiles? What if whoever killed the body is still out there?" Irene asked him

"Also something I didn't think about"

"Okay. I already want to go home" Irene whined

Irene sighed and leaned her head back before letting go of Scott's hand as they climbed up a small slope, being careful not to fall down considering the ground was a lot softer and a lot easier to slip on considering how heavily it was raining which caused the ground to become muddy

"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail" Scott panted, shaking his inhaler

Maybe bringing somebody who is an asthmatic and someone who is afraid of the dark into some creepy woods with a potential serial killer wasn't such a good idea.

"I know" Stiles mumbled

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight?" Scott gasped, placing his inhaler into his pocket after using it again.

Irene shrugged and silently agreed with Scott but Stiles kept walking so she stuck by his side considering he had the flashlight

Stiles suddenly began to pick up his speed before diving onto the ground, hiding low to the ground as ahead multiple cops and their K-9s could be heard searching, they clearly hadn't found the body yet.

"Ok come on" Stiles whispered, getting up and running closer

"Stiles, wait up" Irene yelled at him in a whisper as she ran after him

"Stiles! Irene!"

Scott yelled which caused both Stiles and Irene to stop in their tracks and look back to where his voice came from. Suddenly a loud bark sounded from behind them which resulted in Stiles letting out a scream, pulling Irene down to the ground with him.

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now