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"Are you ready for this?"

"Derek, I don't know if I can..."

"Hey," He said softly, making her look up at him "I'll be here the whole time. You won't see me but I'll be here. Ok?"

"Thank you" Irene smiled as she briefly hugged Derek before opening the doors of the church and greeting the guests as they all poured in, taking their seats after giving their condolences to Irene

Eventually Scott and his Mother arrived, giving Irene a tight hug before finding their seats near the front of the church. And then soon after was Stiles and his Dad who also gave her a hug. Just before Irene about to enter the church a woman walked up to the steps, locking eyes with Irene

"Oh Irene..." She sighed, walking up to the girl

"M-Mommy?" Irene cried as she rushed at the woman in a hug, burying her face into her shoulder, letting out all the emotions she had bottled up "I miss her..."

"I know, sweetie, I know. Would you like me to sit with you?"

"Please...I-I can't do this alone"

"Alright" Her mother smiled, linking arms with her daughter as they walked to the front of the church, waiting for the speech to start.

Soon after it was time for a few select people to come up and give a speech about Nida. Irene took a deep breath and walked up to the front but found a lump in her throat, being unable to speak. She felt warm tears rushing down her face as she saw everyone just watching her when suddenly someone walked up beside her, holding her hand

"Mike..." She whispered in surprise

"Nida was beloved by everyone..." He began, starting off the speech for Irene as he knew she was struggling to say words "Especially her sister." He smiled as he looked at her "She was the best big sister for Irene. Although it wasn't like they were sisters...She was more like a mother"

Irene smiled at his words but couldn't help looking at her mother as Mike spoke, seeing a guilty and regretful expression on her face. Irene took a deep breath and finally found herself being able to speak

"Nida was a kind soul...She always tried to help those who struggled and she went out and beyond. All her patients loved her as did her coworkers. She was one of those people that could smile and make everyone else smile around her. She was like the sun, always making things bright..." She smiled, remembering the fun memories with her sister before making her way back to her seat.

After everybody had said their kind words they began to move the coffin outside towards the graveyard which was beside the church. Irene took a moment alone inside the church to catch her breath before following everyone outside but when she got there she saw everyone holding a white rose, soft smiles on their faces as they waited for her

"You should go first" Mike nodded, handing a white rose to Irene

"She'd want us to do it together" Irene nodded, taking Mike's hand and walking to the edge of the grave, gently placing the rose on top of Nida's coffin, feeling warm tears rush down her face.

Irene stepped back to allow people to pay their respects. She found herself clinging onto Mike, becoming a sobbing mess as she clung tightly to his arms as he rubbed her back to comfort her. Eventually Scott and Stiles came over to hug her as well.

Everybody once again gave their condolences to Irene before leaving for a small gathering that was set up for after the funeral but Irene couldn't go. She couldn't bring herself to it. Looking up she noticed small amounts of rain drops falling on her face before it began to rain heavily

Irene once again began sobbing, falling to her knees and burying her face in her hands. She felt so alone despite everyone that had showed up. Her heart felt...empty as did her once bright home. Suddenly the rain had stopped. But she could still hear it?

In confusion Irene looked up to see Derek holding an umbrella over her with Boyd, Erica and Isaac stood beside him, holding a white rose each. Irene smiled and with the help of Derek, stood up

"You-You guys came..."

"We're practically family now, Irene. And family is there for each other. No matter what" Erica smiled before gently dropping the rose onto the coffin as did the others.

"Let's go" Isaac smiled, taking her hand in his and walking back towards Derek's car which wasn't parked too far.

Irene watched as they drove away from the church, looking back down at her hands in her lap which held Nida's locket which her mother had given her. Nida's mother had apparently given it to Nida when she was a child and ever since Nida lived with Irene by herself she made Kaitlyn promise that if anything happened to her that her belongings would all go to Irene.

"I love you Nida..."

After a few minutes of driving they arrived back to the depot and Irene instantly walked towards the temporary bedroom of hers, flopping onto the bed and hugging a pillow tightly as she continued to sob, letting all her emotions pour out.

Suddenly she felt someone sit on the bed beside her and looked over to see Erica open her arms. Irene cried even more as she hugged Erica, practically being rocked like someone comforting a baby. It was nice. It somehow made her feel a little better

Eventually Irene fell asleep in Erica's arms, her face feeling strange and her throat felt completely dried out as did her eyes. It was like she cried out all her emotions in the past few hours

I know it's a short chapter for this one but I wanted to add this scene because I am emotional and if I must cry so should you. Nah jk. But I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise the others will be normal length

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now