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"Irene! Hurry your lazy butt up or you'll be late! Again!"

"But when I close my eyes then school doesn't exist to me" Irene groaned, pulling the covers over her head

"Sometimes I wonder how I cope with you" Nida sighed, placing her coffee down before pulling Irene off her bed by her ankles but ended up falling over in the process which caused them both to burst into laughter

"Who's clumsy now?" Irene grinned before walking into her closet to grab her outfit for the day before walking into her bathroom

"Breakfast is downstairs!" Nida called from the hallway as she walked downstairs


"Yeah?" She called back

"Don't forget I'm babysitting Mike's siblings after school so I'll be home late, probably by the time you finish work" Irene reminded her

"Want me to pick you up after?"

"Sure. I'll call you when I'm done" She called down the stairs before getting ready for school.

Irene eventually arrived to school and caught up with Scott and Stiles to hear a very disturbing yet not surprising conversation. Presumably about the supernatural again

"Someone stole a liver from a body in the graveyard last night. It could have been Lydia"

"Because that's not disturbing"

"So you're saying she ate it?" Scott asked Stiles, dumbfounded by the idea

"No, I didn't say she ate it. I just said it's missing. You know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body" Stiles defended

"It scares me you just so casually know that" Irene said, a shudder running down her back

"I never ate anyone's liver" Scott mumbled

"Right, cus when it comes to werewolves you're a real model of self-control" Stiles said to Scott which made Irene giggle at the comment before the stopped on the staircase outside. "Hey wait- You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you"

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy

"I mean like what was running through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?"

"If you say Allison I am going to hit you" Irene shook her head

"But I was thinking of Allison"

"Does this kid ever not think of her?" Irene asked Stiles with a smile, lightly hitting Scott's shoulder. She found it cute how he always thought of his first girlfriend. It was sweet. Puppy love. Although she also felt a bit jealous that she couldn't find someone like that

"Seriously? Nothing else?" Stiles asked

"Nothing else mattered. But no, that's good though right? 'Cause the night Lydia was bit she was with you" Scott said

"Yeah, but she was looking for...Jackson" Stiles sighed

The trio looked over at Jackson who had just gotten out of his car in the parking lot. He even had a custom number plate with his name on it. Jackson began strutting towards the school with his sunglasses and his cocky expression after handing some guy digging in the trash can some money before yelling at security .

Irene sighed and rolled her eyes before walking into the school and heading to her locker to put her extra clothes in her locker before grabbing her books for class. Irene always liked to be prepared so she would always bring an extra change of clothes to school. It came in handy more than once. For her and others.

Her second class of the day was chemistry with Mr Harris. Just great. She couldn't stand him but luckily he rarely picked on her anymore, instead he shifted to Stiles and sometimes Scott. Irene placed herself beside Scott while Stiles sat behind them both at the other desk

"All right, it's causing me mental anguish to say this, but he's right" Stiles sighed

"I know" Scott whispered back

"What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?"

"This is a pop quiz, Mr Stlinksi. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career" Mr Harris said with a hint of annoyance in his voice despite the dull tone

"Can you do that?" He said in surprise, his mouth hanging open

"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at three"

Irene and Scott turned around to look at Stiles but quickly turned back to the front when the teacher called out their names, offering the same punishment to them

"You too, Mr McCall and Miss Ryder?" He asked

"Huh? Oh uhm...no sir" Scott said shaking his head

"It's Morgan." Irene reminded the teacher in a dull tone, rolling her eyes at him before getting back on with her work.


Irene waved off to Stiles after he dropped her off at Mike's house, waiting until she was let in before driving off. It became a pretty regular thing for Irene to babysit Mike's siblings while his parents were able to go out together. Even parents deserve a few nights to relax and spend with each other

"Hey kiddos!"

"Irene!" Emma giggled as Irene picked her up to give her a hug

"We'll be back around ten. There's some cash on the counter so you can order food or you can cook if you'd like. The kids love your cooking more than mine" Mike's mother teased before grabbing her coat and kissing both her kids on the cheek "Bye!"

"Have a lovely date night!" Irene waved before heading to the kitchen and picking up their landline, looking at the kids "Who wants pizza?"

"YEAH!" They cheered

"Ok. I'll get a pepperoni and Jonah you like a regular one don't you?"


"I'll quickly order the pizzas and then we can turn on a movie for the night. Why don't you two go pick a movie from the cupboard" She smiled before dialing the pizza place and ordering the food

Irene went back into the living room to see which movie Jonah and Emma had picked out to watch. And as always it was a classic Disney movie. They never seemed to watch anything else other than Disney movies but then again Irene never had an issue with that

"Brother Bear? I love this one. Since we have time we can watch both tonight. Come on, get settled in" Irene smiled as she lay on the couch, grabbing pillows and blankets to make them all comfortable, pulling both the kids close and watching as the movie started

Another reason Irene enjoyed babysitting is because of how much she had always wanted to become a mother. Looking after Emma and Jonah felt like she was already a mother with how close they all were. Even Mike's mother said they listen to her more than their own parents

By the time the second movie came to a finish their parents had just returned home, walking in to see both Emma and Jonah who had fallen asleep on Irene while she finished the rest of the movie. She smiled when she saw the couple, slightly waving her hand

"Hey guys, how was date night?" She asked in a whisper

"It was good. I see you already got them to sleep" Mike's mother smiled before gently picking up her daughter "We can take them to bed. You should go home and get some well deserved rest. There's some birthday cake leftovers in the kitchen for you and Nida"

"Thank you Nat"

"No problem sweetheart. See you next time"

"Good night" She smiled before heading outside and calling up Nida to come pick her up

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now