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School had finished the next day and Lydia insisted on taking Allison shopping to find a dress for the formal. Lydia invited Irene despite the fact she wasn't going to the formal anyway, considering it was Lydia there was no way of declining, mainly because she wouldn't accept no for an answer.

"Did I have to come?" Irene mumbled as they ascended the escalators

"Yes" She hummed

"What's wrong with you?" Irene asked Allison out of concern, she seemed off pretty much all day

"Nothing's wrong, I just... I have a lot on my mind"

"You could smile at least, ever heard the term 'Never frown, Someone could be falling in love with your smile' Smile Allison. I'm buying you a dress"

"Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected" Allison admitted


"But not as much as I am going to ask"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with someone else"


"Him" Allison smiled as they all looked at Stiles who was standing by the perfumes smelling them but ended up sneezing from one of them "Oh, don't frown Lydia someone could be falling in love with your smile"

"Come on Lydia, surely it can't be that bad" Irene smiled

"You sure you can't come, Irene?" Allison asked again

"Yeah, sorry guys I have some uh...family matters going on, besides, I didn't get a date"

"I could easily fix that" Lydia shrugged

"It's fine" She smiled

"Well, you are going to help Allison pick out a dress and I am still buying one for you whether you like it or not so pick one too~" Lydia smiled.

"But where would I even wear it to?"

"One of my parties or maybe when you go on a date"

"Believe me, nobody is asking me on a date..." She said with a frown as she bit at the sleeve of her hoodie again, shrugging her shoulders at the girl. She never ever had a boyfriend let alone been on a date before

"Smile, Irene, someone could fall in love with your smile~"

"Yeah ok" She laughed at Lydia's comment, the girl smiled at her before dragging Stiles off to look for dresses while Allison and Irene went to look for dresses. "I'm just going to look over there for some dresses, okay?"

"Ok" The girl nodded

Irene walked off to look at some of the other dresses that were less flashy, just simple ones. She liked the blue one a lot but the red one caught her eye in an instant. She wasn't the type of girl to wear such dresses considering it was a bit more revealing than the ones she had but it was very nice. It was a simple red dress

"Red definitely matches your skin tone"

"Thanks- Peter..." She said in surprise, stumbling back from the dress after seeing the alpha casually out in public. "Get the hell away from me. I'm not scared of you!"

"But you are. I can hear your heartbeat and you're slowly backing up" He said

Irene hadn't even noticed she was slowly walking backwards as he continued to walk closer to her. She suddenly stopped when she heard a familiar voice approaching her from behind

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