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Irene was spending the night studying in the dining room while Nida was at work. Nida was a few more years older than her so she had already graduated and gotten a job at the memorial hospital. Meanwhile Irene's mother and step-father have been living in England for the past few years.

The night was quiet and peaceful. Outside the air was quiet with the faint sound of rain hitting the window behind her. It was the perfect evening for studying in front of a few candles and a dim lamp

Irene had never been a fan of the dark so she had turned the light on beside her whilst also lighting so candles. She had her tablet playing music at a low volume so she could focus on her notes for her math class as school would be starting soon. A few minutes went by when suddenly she heard a noise coming from the front door

"Nida?" Irene called out in a hushed tone, placing her pen down and pausing her music.

There was no response

Irene leaned back on her chair to look down the hallway at the front door but nobody was there. Maybe she was hearing things? She suddenly got a bad feeling in her gut as the hairs on her arms and neck stood up.

"This is seriously creepy..." She whispered to herself under her breath "Hello? Nida? Ni, If this is one of your pranks it's not funny!" Irene huffed as she pushed herself up off her chair.

Irene finally mustered the courage to check the front door but paused when she heard a noise coming from somewhere upstairs. She noticed it was coming from a certain part of upstairs. Her bedroom! Irene looked around before grabbing a broom and pulling the brush part before making her way upstairs.

When she reached the hallway outside her bedroom she heard the faint sound of muffled voices. Irene quickly opened her door and lunged forwards, slamming the broom handle down on the intruders back before then jabbing them in the back of the knee until someone else turned the light on. Looking down Irene let out an annoyed groan once the intruder rolled over so she could see their face

"Stiles! What the hell! What are you doing?" Irene asked in a high-pitched yell

"What am I doing? Do you secretly train in martial arts or something? God!" He whined in pain

"Stiles, I'm a young girl by myself in the woods. What do you think?" She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"He scared me too" Someone mumbled behind her

"Hi Scott" Irene sighed, recognising her friend's voice. Irene automatically knew that they were here for one reason. "Stiles, no!"

"What do you mean?" He whined "You haven't even heard what I wanted to ask"

"I mean. no! You want to hear it in Spanish? Noh"

"That's my line" He mumbled in a sulking tone

"It was fitting. Now. I know there is a very stupid reason you practically broke into my bedroom, so speak before I hit you again"

"Okay. My dad left forty minutes ago. They got a call about a body" Stiles said

"And that concerns me because...? Nida is at work" Irene crossed her arms "Wait, wouldn't the body already be on the way to the morgue?"

"ah, ah, ah! They only found half of the body" Stiles said with a disturbingly happy grin

"You disturb me sometimes." She muttered

"Thanks" He replied

Irene sighed before finally realizing what he was getting at, aiming a finger at Stiles "Stiles, no! You know I'm scared of the dark" She whined

"I'll protect you" He said confidently

"My hero" Irene replied sarcastically, letting out a deep sigh "I don't have a choice. Do I?"

"Nope" Stiles nodded

"How is it that the eldest one gets bossed around by you? I'm supposed to be the voice of reason. I'm supposed to be responsible-" She crossed her arms "Okay...fine"

"Yes!" Stiles hissed through his teeth, pulling back his fist in victory

Irene just sighed and grabbed a jacket and her boots, sitting on her bed as she put them on before linking arms with Scott and following them both outside towards Stiles' jeep. Irene could see that in the backseat Stiles had come prepared with a flashlight and some extra batteries

"Please tell me you have a plan" She turned to Stiles

"Sort of?" He shrugged

"Because that's- comforting..." Irene mumbled before hopping into the back seat of the jeep. Considering Irene already lived in the Reserve it didn't take very long to reach the area of the Reserve where the dead body had been found

Sorry this chapter is quite short. How you enjoying the story so far?

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