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School was now over but since the lacrosse try-outs were the same day they stayed back. Irene had to wait for Stiles anyway considering he was her way back home.

Irene made her way to the bleachers and sat down. pulling her legs close to her chest to keep herself warm, burying her hands into her pockets

"Are you alright?" A girl asked as she placed herself beside Irene

She looked at the girl with a faint smile, her lips pressed together as she nodded. Irene tilted her head as she finally recognised the girl. It was Allison. And sitting beside her was Lydia with a faint smile

"I'm just a bit cold, I left my jacket in my friend's car" She smiled

"Oh, really? Well, here" Allison smiled as she removed her scarf and wrapped it around Irene's neck

"Thanks" Irene said shyly

"No problem. Hey, Lydia? Who is that?" Allison asked, turning to the redhead

"Him?" Lydia tilted her head as they looked at Scott. "I'm not sure who he is. Why?"

"He's in my English class" She replied

"His name is Scott" Irene told them, causing them to both turn to the girl who spoke out of nowhere

"Are you together or is he a friend of yours?" Allison asked politely

"Friends. Well, Sort of. We've been best friends since we were kids but he's more like a brother. Oh! right. I'm Irene. I sit by you in English" She smiled, extending her hand

"Oh yeah, I remember. Nice to meet you. I'm Allison" The girl replied as she shook her hand

"I know"

Right. I forgot-"

Suddenly the whistle was blown which caught Irene off guard, causing her to flinch before turning back to the field to see Scott, who was holding his head as if he was in pain.

Irene anxiously bit her bottom lip and hopped off the bleachers, making her way to Stiles, whispering to him in worry

"Do you think he's okay?"

"Gah!" Stiles flinched "Will you stop that?"

"And miss you screaming like a little girl? Not a chance, buddy" Irene teased with a cheeky grin before sitting down beside Stiles who handed her a snack from his bag


"Stiles-" She groaned

"I am not going to have you fainting on my watch, Sunny. Now eat it" Stiles said sternly

"Yes 'dad'" Irene said jokingly before taking a bite of the pack of Oreos that Stiles had handed to her. He always seemed to pack her favourite snacks which she thought was sweet. It just showed how well he knew her

Irene looked up and watched anxiously as one of the players tossed the ball towards the goal which ended up smacking Scott in the head, sending him to the floor, causing both her and Stiles to wince

"I don't think this was a good idea. There's no way he's making first line like-"

"That?" Irene raises a brow, finishing Stiles' comment


They both sighed and watched as the next player from the team stepped up for his turn, expecting yet another face shot. However, this time when the ball was thrown Scott ended up catching up, surprising everybody including himself

"Did he just catch that?" Stiles said in shock

"My eyesight may be crap but I believe that is what happened" Irene replied with a slight grin

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now