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Irene was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock shaking her bedside table. She groaned in annoyance and slapped the small box to silence its morning cry before turning back over and closing her eyes. Irene was never much of a morning person

"You better not be going back to sleep!" Nida yelled from her own room down the hallway

"No!" Irene yelled back "My eyes are just resting and my body happens to be in a horizontal position" She groaned, pulling her covers over her head and enjoying the warmth of her bed

"That's it" Nida sighed

It was silent for a few seconds until footsteps got closer until a loud scream shook the room as Nida pulled Irene off of the bed by her ankles, watching as the girl tried to cling to the bed

"Nida!" Irene screamed

"Maybe if you would get your lazy butt out of bed I wouldn't have to drag you out like that. Now get dressed" Nida warned before walking back to her bedroom to finish changing for work

Irene groaned and finally got off of the floor to change out of her pajamas for school, changing into some jeans and a simple long sleeved shirt with her favorite pair of shoes

"You have other shoes you know" Nida teased, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed

"Don't diss the converse" Irene huffed defensively

"Just hurry up and eat something before I force feed you" Nida smiled, shaking her head as she made her way downstairs

"I'm not a baby!" Irene whined

"Doctor's orders, missy!"

"You're not a doctor!"

"Irene Celeste Morgan!"

"Okay!" Irene yelled back "You didn't have to pull out the government name card..." She mumbled grumpily as she made her way to the kitchen

After walking into the kitchen she smiled upon seeing Nida cooking and humming along to the music that was playing. Irene quickly fed her cat, Aella, before sitting down at the counter. Sometimes it felt as if Nida was Irene's mother compared to her actual mother

"Any mail yet?" Irene asked hopefully

"I'm afraid not, kiddo...just Katelyn sending her usual postcards"

"So nothing of importance"

"Nope" Nida laughed, setting Irene's breakfast in front of her

"You would think we have enough postcards of London" Irene rolled her eyes with a smile before finishing up the breakfast Nida had prepared

Suddenly a car honked their horn from outside and Irene quickly recognised it as her lift to school

"I will see you later then" Irene smiled

"Oh!" Nida stopped her "I'm working late again tonight so I will get Mike to drop off dinner for you"

"You rock, Ni" She smiled before kissing her cheek and rushing to the front door "Love ya!"

Irene grabbed her backpack and her house keys before making her way outside towards the blue jeep in her driveway. She smiled at the driver as she jumped into the front seat

"Good morning, Stiles"

"Morning, Sunny" He replied with a smile

For as long as Irene could remember Stiles had created the nickname 'Sunny' from her middle name 'Celeste'. Something about how now all of them had names with 'S'. Scott, Stiles & Sunny. She found it cute in a way

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