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"Irene! You're going to be late for school! Irene?" Nida yelled from the hallway before walking into her room and seeing Irene sat on her bed staring at her phone "IRENE!"

"Gah!" She screamed, looking up at Nida in shock

"What's up? You're staring at that phone as if it's going to tell you the future" Nida teased but saw the sadness in her sister's face. She sighed and sat beside her on the bed "Is this about your dad?"

"Why hasn't he called? I leave text after text but nothing...how hard is it to pick up the phone?" Irene sighed

"He's probably just really busy. He works for the FBI after all, I'm sure he'll call you soon. As much as I love you, this is not an excuse to be late. Come on" She smiled, lightly nudging Irene's shoulder which caused her to smile

"You're right. Hey, Nida!" She called

Nida, who had already walked into the hallway, walked back to lean on the doorframe, waiting for Irene to finish what she was saying

"Can I take your car today?"

"What happened to Stiles picking you up?"

"I kind of want some alone time before school. Can I have the keys?"

"Sure. They're downstairs by the door, I'll pack your breakfast in a small bag so you're not late. How's pancakes sound?"

"Delicious" Irene smiled

After Nida headed downstairs Irene quickly got ready for school, this time wearing a nice gray sweater with her jeans and opting for a pair of boots rather than her converse. She also decided not to do anything fancy with her hair so she just left it down and grabbed her glasses before heading downstairs

"I'll see you later, Kiddo"

"Ok!" Irene called out as she grabbed the thermal cup with some tea in it before grabbing her bag and car keys and making her way out to the car

Most of the ride to school was quiet which was nice and relaxing for once, compared to Stiles and his morning energy bursts. He was like a cat that always had the zoomies

"Morning, Irene"

Irene turned around after getting to her locker and smiled to see Allison and Lydia approaching her. Although she was still shocked to see Lydia smiling at her. They never really crossed paths in school

"Are you coming to Lydia's party tonight? I heard it will be fun" Allison smiled

"It's a party thrown by the queen bee herself. Of course it will be fun" Irene smiled at them before closing her locker "I don't have anything going on so why not"

"Great!" Lydia hummed

"Here's my number, I can help you pick out an outfit if you'd like?" Allison suggested

"Y-You mean you guys come to mine?"

"Yeah. You can't just wear anything to my party. Not something like that" Lydia shrugged

Irene pouted and looked down at her outfit, quickly taking a scan of it. What was wrong with her outfit? She tilted her head and looked up at Lydia who crossed her arms and raised a brow

"You want to dress to impress, no?"

"Well, I mean yeah, but-"

"Great! See you at the party~" Lydia smiled before walking off with Allison, her hair bouncing along with her. Irene shook her head in confusion. That was a strange encounter. She just shrugged it off and began making her way towards her class.

When the last bell finished for school Irene made her way to the parking lot, meeting up with Lydia and Allison who greeted her with a smile

"Well? We don't have all day" Lydia said

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