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Suddenly Irene got a call on her phone and she excused herself to answer it but the news she heard on the other side shocked her. Everything in her body went numb as she dropped her phone to the floor, her hands trembling and tears streaming down her face.

It was like the world had stopped, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't speak, nothing was making sense to her. She felt her knees collapse under her but luckily Mike had quickly rushed to her, holding her up. She continued to sob as she clung onto Mike's shirt.

She didn't have to say much for Mike to drive Irene to the hospital as he didn't want her to get into an accident by driving by herself. She slipped through the officers and tried to approach the window but was stopped by Sheriff Stilinski who stopped her. Although instead of questioning her he just hugged the crying girl and told her it would be ok

"Have you seen Stiles? Irene. Have you seen my son?" He said in an angry yet worried tone

"W-What? N-No...I didn't go to the dance, last I saw him was at the mall. Is she going to be ok?"

"They don't know" He sighed, looking at Lydia laying down on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask over her mouth. What the hell happened to her?

The sheriff walked off to once again try and call his son and Irene walked over to Jackson, standing at the window and looking at Lydia. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt before looking at Jackson

"W-What happened? Is...Is she going to be ok? Where the hell is Scott and Stiles?"

"I don't know! I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled at you, I just don't know what is going on" Jackson sighed

"It's ok..." She faintly smiled at him before looking back at the girl. She felt so helpless not being able to do anything for her friend.

Eventually Stiles got to the hospital and after being yelled at by his dad he came back to Jackson and Irene, walking past them. Jackson looked at Irene who nodded as they followed after Stiles

"Where are you going?" Jackson asked

"To find Scott" Stiles said

"You don't have a car" He reminded

"I'm aware of that, thank you"

"Here, I'll drive, Come on-" Jackson offered

"Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right? Half of this is still your fault." Stiles yelled at the boy

"Stiles enough!" Irene yelled at her friend "We all want Lydia to be ok so we find Scott. Together. Got it!"

"Boys. Irene." A man said as he blocked their way to the elevator. Crap.

"Just great. I've seen enough of you for one day" She groaned

"I was wondering if you could tell me where Scott McCall is"

"Scott McCall? um...Haven't seen him since the dance. Jackson, you?"


"For the love of god..." Stiles cursed under his breath before the men grabbed all of them, leading them towards an empty room and shoving them in there. Irene grunted as she fell into one of the beds after one of them shoved her. Chris Argent, allison's father, locked the door and turned back to the teenagers

"I remember you" He scoffed

"Thought about my offer for a facial reconstruction?" She glared

"Let's try this again"

The man quickly grabbed Stiles and shoved him against a door, holding him by the collar. Irene yelled at him to let go of him but was held back by his men. Argent proceeded to ask Stiles if he had seen a rabid dog before and then got on the topic of Scott

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now