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It was the next day and Irene had spent most of the day resting after being discharged from the hospital the night before. She was still aching but she could at least manage to walk now. Irene spent most of her time watching movies and getting some much needed sleep,

She had barely moved from her bed apart from when she went to shower, however, when she did she noticed the multiple bruises and grazes on her body from the accident. She didn't realize how much worse it looked considering she didn't feel much of it anymore

"Great- Now I am turning into a smurf" She groaned

"Irene! I have to get back to work but I left some dinner for you in the fridge, when you're hungry" Mike called from downstairs

"Thanks Mike! Is Nida working late again?"

"Afraid so, kiddo. Alright, I got to go. See you later"

"Bye Mike" She called back.

Irene then finished her shower and changed into some comfy clothes. That being a simple tank top and leggings with her gray hoodie which she took from Stiles' a few days ago. She then decided to get something proper to eat instead of snacks so she made her way downstairs to eat the dinner Mike had left for her

Halfway through eating dinner she heard loud pounding on the door and groaned as she hobbled up and approached the door, opening it and watching as Stiles stumbled over, almost falling down

"Are you trying to knock or trying to break down the door?" She asked with a raised brow before waving to Scott in the jeep "So, what's this about?"


"Wait! Is it stupid and potentially dangerous?"

"No!...yeah" Stiles sighed in defeat

"I question how you're still alive, come on then" Irene rolled her eyes as she locked the door before following Stiles to his jeep

"How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" Scott asked worriedly

"Scott, for the last time, I am fine. Can you guys please stop asking about it?" Irene muttered. She was getting fed up with everybody asking her a million questions. She didn't like the sudden attention because it was all pity

"This is a terrible idea" Stiles sighed

"Yeah, I know" Scott agreed as they hopped out the jeep

"But we're still gonna do it...?"

"You guys are idiots" Irene sighed, shaking her head

"Can you think of something better?" Scott turned to Stiles

"Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away..." He admitted

"How well is that working out for you?" Irene rolled her eyes

After a few more minutes Irene noticed they had driven back to the school. Why were they here? After hopping out the car she noticed Derek was there and the round of questions began forming in her head

"Where's my boss?" Scott asked Derek

"He's in the back" He said blandly, opening the car door and showing Scott's boss unconscious in the back of his car

"Oh, well, he looks comfortable" Irene said sarcastically

"Wait-" Derek called after them as the boys tried walking inside "Hey. What are you doing?"

"You said I was linked with the Alpha. I'm gonna see if you're right"

"Okay, one question... What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?" Stiles asked nervously

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now