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After school the next day Irene decided to go home with Stiles to do some research to do with the pendant that Allison had since Scott couldn't get the necklace. Irene threw her bag onto Stiles' bed and was about to speak when someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with their hand and wrapping their other arm around her shoulders


"Yo- Derek?..." Stiles said, confused as he looked at him and Irene. Derek signaled to the door and Stiles quickly rushed forward, leaning against his door while holding it slightly closed. Derek then let go of Irene and she spun around to glare at him and spread her arms out to the side to silently ask 'what the hell?' but he just held his finger up to his mouth to tell her to be quiet

"What'd you say?" Stiles' dad asked

"What? I said 'yo, dad'"

"Listen, I've got something to take care of but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game"

"My first game, gosh. Great, awesome. Uh, good"

"I'm very happy for you and I'm really proud of you" Noah told his son. Irene couldn't help feeling disappointed that she didn't have someone to say the same thing to her. She walked away from Derek and sat on the end of Stiles' bed, playing with the charm bracelet on her wrist

"Yeah I'm proud of myself too"

"So they're gonna let you play right?"

"Yeah, dad. I'm first line. Believe that?"

"I'm very proud"

"Oh me too," Stiles briefly closed the door and all she could hear was "huggie....huggie" She rolled her eyes with a smile and waited for him to come back into his room. Although when he did Derek slammed him against his door

"If you say one word..."

"Oh, what, like 'Hey, Dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun. Yeah that's right if i'm harboring your fugitive ass it's my house my rules, buddy" Stiles lightly smacked Derek's arm and after both of them fixing each other's jackets Stiles sat down in his chair, facing Derek

"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek asked

"No. He's still working on it but there's something else we can try. The night we were trapped in the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there"

"Ok and?"

"Only problem is, it wasn't Scott who sent the text," Irene said as she stood up, looking up at Derek before looking back at Stiles and shrugging her shoulders. "So how do we find out who did?"

"I don't know...but I do know someone who can"

"I'm not sure if I should be scared or impressed," Irene sighed.

Stiles pulled out his phone to call someone to come over to his house, using the excuse of 'lab homework' and somehow that worked. A few minutes went by and Stiles came back into his room with Danny, a guy who was on the Lacrosse team with him and Scott. But why did they need Danny?

"You want me to do what?" He asked

"Trace a text"

"I came here to do lab work, that's what lab partners do."

"And we will, once you trace the text" Stiles said

"And what makes you think I know how to?"

"I...I looked up your arrest report, so..."

"I...I was thirteen! They dropped the charges" He argued. Irene had no idea Danny even did anything like that but then again he was really smart


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