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"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk" Stiles sighed as he told Irene and Derek

They were currently sitting in Stiles' jeep outside the Sheriff station watching the woman at the front desk through the window. They had to figure out how to get inside to get Isaac out. And they had to hurry considering Allison said someone was dressed up as a deputy to try and kill Isaac

"I'll distract her" Derek said, getting ready to get out

"Woah, woah, woah. You? You're not going in there" He said as he gripped Derek's shoulder. Derek kept looking at his hand and then back to him with raised brows "I'm taking my hand off" He said, quickly removing his hand

"I was exonerated" Derek reminded

"You're still a person of interest..." Irene sighed.

She was still annoyed at Scott for throwing him under the bus when they got trapped in the school. In that moments Irene thought Derek was dead but Scott decided to make it worse and say he was the killer. Out of any lie he could have told he chose that one.

"An innocent person" He reminded

"An in-...you? Yeah, right! Okay, fine. What's your plan?" Stiles asked

"To distract her" Derek said, looking at Stiles weirdly, like it was a dumb question

"Uh huh. How? By punching her in the face?" He asked, making a weird growling noise

Derek just looked at him with an annoyed smile before going back to his usual scowl "By talking to her." He rolled his eyes at the boy

"Okay, all right. Give me an example. What are you going to open with?"

Derek sighed and just looked at Stiles. Irene rolled her eyes in the back seat as she looked between the two. If they kept this up the plan would no longer work because they would have run out of time

"Dead silence. That should work beautifully, any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face" Derek tilted his head as he thought about it

"Can we go before we run out of time!" Irene yelled at them, smacking both of them on the back of the head which surprised Stiles considering Derek didn't do anything back to her.

They all hopped out of the jeep and walked inside. Derek went to the woman at the desk and used his 'charms' on her which somehow worked while Irene and Stiles tried to sneak past


"Hi" She said, taken aback by his charming smile

"I had a question. Sorry...I'm a little...little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone..."

"Like me?" She asked

"I was going to say 'so incredibly beautiful' but, yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing" He replied as Irene and Stiles silently ran past with a suspicious look on their faces. They even looked like they were up to something

They made their way to Stiles' dad's office and he quickly rushed over to the password protected lockbox on the wall. He rushed and fumbled to put in the code but looked at Irene in shock when it was empty

"That can't be good..." She said

"Let's split up" He said

"Have you ever seen horror movies? Since when is splitting up EVER a good idea" Irene yelled in a whisper

"It covers more ground. Remember we're here for Isaac" He reminded

"Fine" Irene groaned before splitting off from Stiles

She ran through the station for a while before bumping into a deputy as she turned the corner. She gave a slight smile while rubbing the back of her neck nervously considering she wasn't meant to be there

"Hey- sorry, I'm uh looking for..." she trailed off as she saw a broken off arrowhead in his leg. It was Allison's arrow "Awh crap.."

Irene mumbled as she tried to run away but he quickly grabbed her and held her mouth tightly shut, dragging her through the hall. She squirmed under his grip and luckily she had managed to fumble her fingers to pull the fire alarm on the wall. She was eventually dropped on the floor and she looked up to see the holding cell door was wide open and nobody was inside

"That can't be good" She whispered to herself

Suddenly someone rammed into the deputy, slamming him onto a table and the two of them struggled before the fake deputy was slammed into the wall, knocked unconscious. Irene gasped and backed up into the wall, still on the floor frozen in fear. She noticed Derek walk in and stomp on a syringe with a strange liquid that the man was holding earlier.

Isaac then looked to Irene with a look she had never seen before and went to run at her when Derek stood in front of her, roaring at Isaac who quickly backed off and whimpered as he cowered in the corner against the wall, returning to his human form. Irene let out a sigh of relief as Derek helped her off the floor

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking her up and down

"Yeah I'm fine. Real question is, is he okay?" She asked, looking at Isaac with soft eyes. He didn't mean any of it, she knew that "You go. Make sure Isaac gets out of here, get him somewhere safe"

"What about you?" Derek turned back to her

"Do you not trust that I can get myself out of this situation?" She asked him, raising a brow and crossing her arms

"Not really" He replied bluntly which made her roll her eyes at him

"Gee thanks" She huffed as she helped Isaac up off the floor, giving him a soft smile before turning to Derek "Now go!"

"Okay" Derek nodded and took Isaac out of the station . Soon Stiles ran in and hugged her before looking at the guy on the floor, looking up at Irene for an answer

"What the hell did you do?"

"It was Isaac. But he's safe. Derek took him"

"Good. You should get out of here too"

"What about you?" She asked

"If my dad or officers see me I can get out of it. You can't. Here's the keys to the jeep. Hurry!"

Irene nodded and took the keys to the jeep before running outside, managing not to be seen by anybody and waiting for Stiles in his Jeep. She had also hoped that Derek had gotten away with Isaac safely

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now