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"Irene come downstairs please!" Nida yelled

"Coming" She replied before getting dressed and walking downstairs but her smile faded when she saw two people stood in front of them "What do they want."

"I have work and mom wants to spend the day with her friends so you will be staying home with dad. I'll see you later ok?" Nida smiled as she grabbed her coat and keys

"What? I'm not spending the day with him!" Irene protested

"We'll be fine. Enjoy work sweetie" Her stepdad smiled at Nida, kissing her forehead and giving Kaitlyn a kiss, watching as they left the house before turning back to Irene with a frown

"You may have married yourself into this family but you'll always be a piece of trash." She scoffed before walking into the kitchen

Cole stormed after her, spinning her around and landing a hard slap across her face which sent her down to her knees with the force of it. She gasped in surprise and looked at him through angry tears but also with fear in her eyes

"You never changed"

"Nobody will believe you though, will they?" He said with a sick grin "It's your word against mine and sorry to break it to you, Irene, but my daughter and wife will always believe me. Now get up and clean this house, it's filthy" He spat as he harshly grabbed her arm and tossed her into the counter before walking off

Irene watched as he walked off, tears running down her face as she felt herself struggling to breathe. Her throat felt as if it was closing on itself. She took a deep breath, even if it was hard to do, and grabbed the broom to begin cleaning the house. As much as she hated her stepfather she knew it was more stupid to disobey him than anything.

Time had gone by and it was around midday. Irene noticed the quiet house and took that as her chance to try and get out of the house but as soon as she walked to the small set of stairs leading to the garage someone shoved her down the rest of the way, sending her down with a scream as she tumbled down

"Now where do you think you're going?" He scoffed

Irene groaned in pain and tried to crawl her way towards the door to the garage but then he grabbed her hair, pulling her head up to look at her

"I asked you a question!" He yelled louder

Although she didn't have the strength to reply. She just cried out in pain and tried to release his grip on her but he just dropped her back on the ground and pressed his foot hard into her ribs, kicking her over

"I sure hope you weren't trying to run off and tell somebody. Because remember what I said I would do to that little cat of yours. Where is that rat anyways?"

"No! Don't you dare" She hissed at him through her teeth

"Excuse me?" He said in disbelief

"I said..." She groaned as she pushed his foot off and stood up, glaring up at him "Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Her. If you touch her I swear to god I will kill you."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you bitch!" He yelled at her, once again slapping her hard across the face, making her land on the floor, causing her to smack her face on the corner of the wall and cutting her lip open as she fell "That was your fault." He shrugged before walking off


A few hours had passed and Nida and Kaitlyn had finally returned home to see Irene all beaten up. Her bruises had now developed and her body was covered in purple and blue, although most of it was covered by her clothes. Nida rushed to her in worry, holding her hands and checking the bruises and cuts on her face

"What happened!?" She gasped in shock

Cole approached them all and stood behind Nida, his arm wrapped around Kaitlyn as he glared at the girl as if silently threatening her to keep her mouth shut

"I fell down the stairs...I had tripped on something I left in the hallway... I'm okay though" Irene faintly smiled. She excused herself to her bedroom before locking her door and crying on her bed. Everything hurt so bad but she couldn't even tell anyone because as Cole said, nobody would believe her.

Nobody except a werewolf.

Irene waited until it was the middle of the night before packing a backpack of clothes and making her way through the woods towards where Scott's house was. She couldn't risk taking her car as it would wake everybody up and alert them she was gone

After a long walk she finally ended up at Scott's house, soaked from the rain but she didn't care about that right now. She knocked on the door a few times but was shocked when Melissa opened the door. Oh no...

"Oh my god! What happened to your face? Did someone do this to you?" She gasped after seeing the bruises, gently holding the girl's cheeks in her hands

"Please can I just stay here this weekend...?" Irene mumbled weakly before being pulled in for a hug and that's when she let it all out, crying into the woman's shoulder as she rubbed her back in a calming manner

"Stay as long as you need sweetie. I have work in a few hours but let me make you something to eat first. You must be hungry"

Melissa offered before heading to the kitchen to prepare a meal for Irene to eat considering she hadn't eaten all day. She never had the time to. A few minutes went by and Scott came downstairs presumably after hearing Irene's voice

He paused in the doorway of the kitchen after seeing her bruised and bloodied up face. He automatically knew what it was. Scott was the only one who knew everything. Not even Stiles knew because she was scared his dad would find out and something bad would happen if he knew Cole did this to her.

Irene wasn't Melissa or Noah's daughter but they were just as protective over her as they were Scott and Stiles. She was the daughter they never had and they became a sort of parental figures for Irene when she needed them.

"He's back isn't he..." He sighed, being careful not to speak too loud and let Melissa overhear

"Yeah. What if he comes here looking for me? Oh god...I shouldn't have come here. I'm so sorry!" She cried, her hands shaking from the thought of that man finding out

Scott smiled softly and pulled her in for a hug, gently rubbing her back and assuring her she was safe there. He waited with her while she ate dinner before taking her upstairs to his room and putting a movie on her laptop to calm her down

Eventually Irene had fallen asleep beside Scott and he didn't leave her side the entire night, making sure that even though she was asleep she felt safe and protected. He gently pulled a blanket over her and placed her laptop down on the table beside his bed before also falling alseep.


Sorry for such a small chapter but I wanted to add a bit of spice to this book. And also traumatize my OC but that's besides the point. Don't forget to check out the Tiktok @Harmony_Ffire

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