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Irene didn't go to school for the next few days since the night at the school and she also decided to ignore all calls and texts coming through her phone. She spent most of the day in the living room watching movies with Nida as she didn't have work until later on in the evening

"I still think how the hell they survived that fire" Nida questioned

"It's a dog who believes he's a superhero, a hamster who calls himself 'Rhino' and a sneaky little cat that blew up a gas station and you're confused about how they survived a fire?" Irene shook her head

"Right, I forgot. Bolt is your favorite movie of all time" She smiled, rolling her eyes to get more popcorn

"It's an amazing movie! And it makes me cry" Irene pouted, watching the ending credits of the movie "Oh yeah before I forget, Mike said he would take me and his siblings out for dinner tonight with his parents"

"That's sweet of him," Nida smiled before sitting down. It was nice how her sister was getting along great with her boyfriend "Ok I have time for one more movie before I have to leave for work"


"I am not watching Avatar. It's like three hours"

"Awwww man" Irene whined


Mike had dropped Irene back home after dinner, leaving the leftovers with her. After doing some cleaning around the house she heard a knock at the door but decided to ignore it until they swung the door open, making a loud noise and tapping her shoulder which made her scream and fling them over her shoulder


"Reminds me to never sneak up on you"

"What do you two want now?"

Stiles just looked up at her with a puppy-like face and cheeky grin. She sighed and decided to go with Scott and Stiles because no doubt whatever it was it was going to be dumb and stupid but she also needed answers and she was going to get them. Scott was being too secretive with her

Irene looked confused when she saw Derek alive and even more when he told them to take her car. She just shrugged it off and slapped Scott's hand when he reached the keys, taking them herself considering she actually knew how to drive properly

After a while of driving a car began to trail them, presumably the hunter that Derek told them it would be, causing Irene to speed up

"How much faster?" She asked

"Much faster!" Stiles told her.

She nodded her head and slammed her foot on the accelerator and sped off. They turned on the radio which said the suspect was on foot near the iron works. Irene drove to where that is and Derek quickly hopped in the car before she sped off again

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott asked

"Damn it! I had him!"

"The alpha?" Irene asked calmly, looking at Derek for a moment before focusing back on the road as she continued driving at high speed

"Yes! He was right in front of me and the freaking police showed up"

"Hey- they're just doing their jobs..." Stiles said, Derek just glared at him before looking over to Scott

"Yeah, thanks to someone who made me the most wanted fugitive in the state!" He yelled at the boy. Irene did agree that it was stupid for Scott to throw Derek under the bus like that

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake-"

"Yep" Irene commented without hesitation, earning a blank look from Scott

"All right, how did you find him?" Stiles asked Derek but was met with silence and a glare. Irene leaned her head back and rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath she shot Derek a look, raising her brows at him and signaling to the boys with her eyes

"Can you just trust us for at least a half a second?"

"Yeah all of us-" He shrunk back in his seat at Derek's harsh glare "Or just them. I'll be back here"

"Look, last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy with the name Harris"

"Our chemistry teacher?!" Stiles asked, once again leaning forward in his seat and almost scaring Irene but she sighed and looked at Derek

"Why him?" Scott asked

"I don't know yet"

"What's the second?"

"Some kind of symbol...what? Do you know what it is?" Derek asked Scott who gave the drawing of the symbol a strange look, a look saying he knew exactly what that was

"I've seen it on a necklace...Allison's necklace"

"Oh for the love of god. Seriously! Why is everything always linked to her and that damn family?" Irene groaned in annoyance "I despise her father"

Author's Notes**
Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the others,
I wasn't too sure what else to add and all that so
I apologize if it's all over the place

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now