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"Nida, come on! Stop worrying about your damn hair, it's gonna be tied up all day anyway" Irene groaned

"It's messy" She whined from her bedroom upstairs

"It's always messy!" She yelled back before Nida finally came downstairs to drive Irene to school.

After finally getting to school Irene rushed to make her way to her first class which she was slightly late for. And the teacher was one of the most stubborn and harsh teachers

"Miss Ryder, you are late."

"It's Miss Morgan. And I had to see my doctor" Irene gave an annoyed smile as she handed a little note to the teacher which Nida had wrote, writing some random scenario for seeing a doctor

"Alright, just sit down"

Irene rolled her eyes and made her way to her seat at the back of the classroom opposite Danny

"Just a friendly reminder that the parent-teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a 'C' average are required to attend. I won't name you because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment...Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

Irene's head perked up after hearing his name and looked around the class. Where was he? She could have sworn she saw him outside the school when she got there before class but he wasn't there. Mr Harris stood by Stiles, looking down at the boy who had his highlighter cap in his mouth.

Suddenly the door opened and Jackson walked in, taking his seat beside Irene. The teacher walked over to him and leaned down as to not announce what he was saying to the whole class

He lightly patted Jackson's back before walking away. What was that about? She decided not to bug him and just got on with her notes, quickly catching Jackson up to where they were in the lesson

"Everyone turn to chapter 9. Mr Stilinski- Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs, it's chemistry not a coloring book" Mr Harris said as he was writing on the board, his back turned to the class

Irene snorted and tried to hide her laugh but ended up laughing quietly, she even noticed Jackson smirk at the teacher's comment.


The school day was finally over and there was still no sign of Scott. Stiles took Irene to his house to hang out before the conference. After making his way to his desk he turned around and showed Irene the video he sent himself from Lydia's phone from the accident the night before. It was definitely not a mountain lion. It was a big creature with red eyes

"Have you tried calling Scott?" Stiles asked

"He won't answer" She sighed and jumped onto Stiles' bed, laying on her stomach and bringing a pillow to the end of the best to rest her chin on. They both looked to the door after hearing someone knock. Irene smiled at the man

"Hey Noah"

"Hey kiddo. Stiles, please tell me I'm going to hear some good news at this parent teacher conference?" His father sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe

"That depends on how you define good news"

"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues"

"You might want to rethink that definition"

"Yeah.." He sighed, walking out of his room and down the stairs. Irene quickly lept up from Stiles' bed and ran after him, after she caught up with him she took a deep breath, she felt a bit awkward asking this but she didn't know who else to ask as Nida was working

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now