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"Morning Allison" Irene smiled at her friend as they met up in the hallway before heading the the locker room

"Hey. Are you ready for gym?" She asked

"If i'm being honest, not really. I'm still tired from the other night"

"Scott told me what happened. Are you ok?"

"Well almost being killed by a werewolf certainly wasn't how I expected my evening to go" Irene admitted as she put on a simple blue tank top. She decided to wear simple gym wear. Wearing a blue tank, black leggings and her black sneakers. Although, some part of her just kept thinking about Derek and how he protected her

"I can imagine. Come on" Allison smiled, taking the girl's hand and walking into the gym with Lydia

After getting to the gym hall they all quickly noticed a big climbing wall in the center of the room with a black mat at the bottom, clearly in case someone fell or something. Irene stood at the front of the crowd with Allison and Lydia, muttering about how Allison and Irene were going to be the fastest to the top

"So today we are going to be climbing this wall, any volunteers to go first?" Irene grinned and raised her hand confidently, removing her jacket and handing it to Allison as she approached the wall, clipping on her harness

"That's what I mean! Who wants to join her? Anyone? Danny! That's my boy" Coach said proudly as he patted the boy on the top of his shoulder

Danny then clipped on his harness and Irene smiled at him before climbing the wall. She made it halfway up in no time but Danny was not too far behind. She giggled as she continued to climb, creating a distance between her and Danny. Soon enough she reached the top and called out


"Sorry, Danny boy, you got beaten by a girl." Coach said, patting Danny on the shoulder after he unclipped his harness while Irene kicked off the wall, her harness quickly taking her back to the floor where she landed softly on the mat.

"Thanks Coach?" Irene said, not sure if that was a compliment or not. She shrugged considering it was Coach being himself and suggested for Allison to go up next "Come on, you're better than I am at archery, Let's see if you beat me at this~"

"You're on, Irene" Allison said with a smile, getting her harness on while Scott put on the other

Irene watched as they began climbing up, having a conversation as they did so. She rolled her eyes with a smile before walking over to Danny, giving him a high five before standing beside him, looking back at the wall with her arms crossed

"You weren't too bad, Danny" Irene smiled

"Thanks, Irene," He said with a smile. Her and Danny weren't exactly best friends but they were friendly towards each other after they became lab partners, something about not wanting to partner with Stiles again after the whole 'hot, shirtless cousin' situation.

All of a sudden Allison kicked Scott's foot away from a ledge and he quickly fell down, hovering above the mat from the safety of the harness before dropping onto the mat. Irene laughed at him along with the class and even Coach who sat beside him, looking at him

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy, right?" He said with a smile which made Irene laugh more "Alright next two! Stilinski, Erica"

Coach called out as they got their harnesses on. Irene decided to help Erica with hers as she seemed to struggle a bit getting it on. She stepped back and watched as they began to climb the wall but something was off about Erica. She moved much slower and it looked like she was shaking. Irene knew something was wrong.

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now