Chapter Two: The Children

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"Well, pardon me. My name is Noelle, but I can go by Elle." I greeted nervously, correcting my first line.

The blue-eyed women extended one of her hands, still holding the child in the other and greeted back.

"Elle. Such a lovely name. I'm Denise, and this is my husband, Greg." she introduced.

Yeah, trust me. I knew exactly who your husband was. My mind spoke to itself, but within the moment I felt my cheeks redden from my own thoughts and I cleared my throat.

Greg extended his large hand and greeted me along, a bright white smile on him. "We are the Horan's. So nice of you to take your time to care for the kiddos."

"Come on in. Welcome! We'll spare a few minutes before we head out. It's a little chilly for little Fin out here!" Denise spoke again.

The couple both stepped away, giving me a grand entrance to their home and although, I kept a normal, babysitter smile, I was dying on the inside as my own emotions exploded on everything I'm processing.

For starters, their home smelled amazing. It must've been the cinnamon candle the lit up right above the fireplace, just for adult reach and the warmth just made the whole setting...calming...welcoming.

Of course, the place was baby-proof.

"You can take a seat! We don't bite." Greg spoke out jokingly as he pointed towards the giant, sectional sofa at my view.

"Y-Yeah, thanks. Is it alright if I place my bags on the coffee table-"

"Of course! Feel free. Our home is your home! You will be here often now." Denise laughed. "Could I offer you something to drink? Tea? Water?"

"N-No, It's alright. Thank you." I smiled nervously.

I could tell my stuttering and social anxiety has risen from my cracking voice along with the sweat in my hands; didn't help either when I was talking to people I never thought I'll speak to.

"American, I sense." Greg called out, adjusting his coat, finally noticing my different accent.

I laughed at his comment and nodded. "Yeah, I actually moved to Longford a while back. Still adjusting a little."

"That's great! Welcome to the best country you've ever been in. You enjoying?" He asked.

I wondered how I was going to tell them that all I've done the last few years is isolated at home and watch Netflix while my mother worked full-time AND that this was my first far destination I've been to?

"Yeah, it's great! Can't wait to explore more of it!" I said sarcastically.

"Longford? Oh my, did we make you take a long drive-"

"No, it's fine. It's not really a long drive when you have music on. I'm use to the American driving, so it's shorter." I joked.

By now, I noticed my stuttering have stopped and my confidence began to build again as I got more comfortable with the family. It was a huge job to give the best impression for them and for this opportunity in general.

It was 1 in a million.

"So, Finley's bottles are washed up by the sink. I recommend washing them immediately after he finishes to avoid the smell of rotten milk." Denise informed.

It didn't take long for me to get straight to the task. It was helpful to have Denise guide and advise her recommendations to care for her children, because realistically, I was new to everything.

Google did exist, but I didn't want to get to that point.

"My cell will always be on in case you have any questions or concerns. Don't be afraid! Also, make yourself at home, there's food in the fridge, tellie and anything!" Denise smiled.

I never really met a family so welcoming and comforting; It was exciting to think that I'll be spending my free-time to actually do stuff like this and to top that off, the Horan's? This wasn't so bad.

"Yeah, thank you so much. I really appreciate that. I promise I won't let you guys down." I grew a smile at them.

"You won't. Thanks again, Elle. Again, Theo is a heavy sleeper so he should be awake soon!" Greg pointed upstairs.

"Yeah, yeah. Got it." I have a thumbs up.

I totally didn't.

When the door shut close later that morning, I let out a small sigh and looked down at the eight month old in my arms.

"Hi." I spoke bluntly stating at the blue eye baby. "The genes are pretty strong in this family, huh." I eyed the baby.

Finley's eyes squinted at me before he grew a small smile, giving me a sign that his nap time was around.

It wasn't technically my first time with children. Like said, I did work on this WIC program in high school with my best friend Jennifer, and most of the time she left me with anyone under 4 to avoid changing diapers. So, maybe, I did have a little experience.

As I swayed around the living room with the child in hand, I walked around slowly, curiosity taking over while watching the picture frames that sat above the fireplace in order.

"That's your mom and dad when they got married. Why do I remember that?" I whispered to myself, inspecting the family photos.

Vivid memories came at me by the unseen family frames and for a moment, it still felt surreal to be standing in this household out of coincidence.

My breath stopped in the moment when I came across something that I knew I've expected, but still took surprise to it when I saw it.

"The Horan's." I spoke under my breath.

Niall was truly part of this family and I was only one person away from him. This is truly crazy to even process, but who knows where he could be at, the man is filthy rich. He must've lived in London by now.

"Niall Horan." I repeated to myself.

"That's my uncle Niall!" A voice echoed.

I got lost in my breath and for a moment, I thought the baby himself had spoken to me; making me re-think if this was reality, but when I turned, he was soundly asleep in my arms.

"Hi!" A voice spoke next to me.

"Shit--oh my god." I accidentally cursed at the sight of another kid on my side.

His dirty blonde hairs were all over the place from the deep sleep and eyes swollen as he repeated my actions.


I closed my eyes realizing this was Theo I've been confronted with and mixed emotions coming at once from what I just made him repeat made me freak out.

", no! Don't say that word, that's a bad word. Sorry. I shouldn't have said it!" I closed my eyes at the five year old. "You must be Theo."

"Theo. That's my name." He kept smiling.

I was thankful he forgotten about the bad word situations a minute ago and I finally took in the greeting from the boy.

"It's nice to meet you, Theo."

Last time I saw him was from an update account when he was only two. Time really flies.


don't worry besties, niall will be up soon. 😀

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