Chapter One: The First Day

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If I were honest, I was trying my best to hold back the tears while brushing my teeth the very next morning at 7AM. I was aware waking up early for the first time in a while was going to be hectic, so I did set an alarm at 5AM, but the snooze really went off until 7AM-but still, it was early.

Mid-through brushing my teeth, I can hear my iPhone vibrate against the sink, and knowing it was possibly Bianca, as Ana had stated, I couldn't ignore it.

"Shit--" I cursed as the toothpaste foamed in my mouth, not giving me time to spit it out. "Hello?"

My wet hand stayed in contact with the iPhone as I brought it back to my ear and spat out the paste quickly, embarrassingly.

I hoped she didn't hear that.

"Hello, good morning. This is Bianca Wells. I am calling for Noelle Ellis. Is there any-"

"Yeah, this is she speaking. You can call me Elle." I cleared my throat, still feeling the mint in my throat.

"Perfect. Hi, Elle. I am calling on behalf of Ana. I was given that you are registered to take the babysitting job at 9AM this morning. Are you still up for it? It will be for the Ho-"

"Y-Yeah! I'm absolutely up for it!" I spoke sarcastically not even letting the women finish.

"Okay, great! So, I just gave you this call to provide the basic information for your start-up. Did Ana give you a heads up on the job qualifications and what to expect?" Her accent spoke through the phone.

Sometimes, I wished I could have that natural Irish accent like my mom's side of the family, but my father's genes were just really was impossible.

I was gulping and sweating already knowing I hated getting questioned; this felt like a phone interview and I wasn't up to it-damn, I need to stop overthinking everything. Life was full of risk. Right.

"Um, yeah. She gave me some brief explanations of the know." I lied.

Ana didn't tell me shit besides sending in a fake resume for me and getting two kids.

Bianca laughed, I can almost picture her nodding at my lies.

"Right...right. Well, you aren't required much. You are in the system for the family already, so they will have this number registered to contact you. Is this your number?"


"Okay, and you are required to drive for this family. Are you able to drive or have transportation?" She asked.

I shouldn't have panicked in that question. I was able to get my driver's license by the time I was 17, but since I hadn't been up to explore Longford's streets, I was on the edge to drive.

Babysitting with Niall Horan (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now