Chapter Twenty-Three: Part Two *

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This Chapter Contains Sexual Content


If you would've told me that I'll be spending the night with Niall Horan one day, I would've told you to never speak to me again for planting an impossible joke like that-but it wasn't a joke. It was real. Too real.

"Here's a spare toothbrush. M'sure you'll want to change out of those clothes, unless you're a cold freak." Niall joked, placing a few toiletries onto my hand. "I might have a shirt and sweats for you."

No. No way. It already felt like he was doing too much for me already. Can you imagine wearing his clothes? No, I couldn't.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sure I'm good with my sweater. The blankets should be a good cover up." I lied.

I mean, technically, I wasn't lying, but the nerves were still hitting me hard. My head was still trying to process over the unexpected sleep in I'll be having in Niall Horan's apartment.

With a moment a silence, I can sense Niall's eyes on me and as I looked up, I've been correct. Blue eyes just stared down at me like some kind of freak at my denial.

"You're pretty stubborn, ya know?" Niall joked.

I scoffed and let out a laugh. "W-What? How, exactly?"

"You never want to accept anything." Niall looked up, thinking, "Let's see, a piece of cake, polaroid, clothes-as a matter of fact, ya never accept anything from me."

God, he even remembered about the piece of cake from his birthday. It made reddened how much Niall kept on his mind about me and my decisions; how long until he figured me out? It was scary for me.

Without thinking, I let out a laugh, not because it was funny, but because it made me nervous, "Ha! You're funny..."

"You'll be surprised how much humor I have in me." Niall smiled.

Something within me felt odd seeing Niall overly happy and smily tonight. It worried me to know that he just gone through a bad argument and breakup; normally, people took those really...bad? And Niall seemed so...okay? energized? talkative over the whole thing? I was worried.

"R-Right...well," I bit the inside of my lip trying to excuse myself without being awkward. "As much as I love conversing with a Horan, I need to brush my teeth...and you need to take your meds and call it night. You need rest."

I didn't want the conversation to end. Though it was a confusing night, it was finishing off very well. It distracted me with the thought that I still had a life and job that next morning, but every second felt worth it.

"M'sorry. You're the one that needs rest. Forgot you work for the boys early morning...but yer' right. Thanks for the reminder of the meds." Niall sighed, "Here, the bathroom is the first room straight and the guest room is on your left," he pointed.

Awkwardly, I gave a nod and looked down the hall, "Okay...sounds good. Thanks, Niall."

"Incase ya find a mess or any rubbish, I apologize. My cousin stayed there weeks ago, but-"

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