Chapter Seven: The First Lie

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"Elle, I know." I gave a confident smile.

For a second, I had to re-think about what I've just told the babysitter, knowing that there was no reasoning for me to know her a name that fast.

"I-I apologize. It's just that Theo referred to the babysitter as L and I kinda-"

"It's alright, you are correct." Elle gave a small laugh, "A letter for him is better than my full name. No judgement."

Our hands finally released from each other, and for someone who was considered famous and sociable, I found myself a little timid at the interaction; my opposite hand soothing the injured one, looking down as Elle walked over towards the counter.

I watched her from the corner of my eye, her hands ruffling through the McDonald's bag I've been craving ever since the scent reached upstairs.

"That smell brings back childhood cravings." I laughed to myself.

The bag ruffling stopped at the moment and Elle blinked before giggling again, "Yes, I agree. Sorry, I should've offered, care for some fries? burgers? I've brought extras incase Denise or Greg wanted some."

I finally stopped picking on my bandaged hand and came up to view, leaning against the counter across from Elle.

"Erm, I was actually keepin' an eye on the Happy Meal box in there." I joked.

It was corny of me to bring such laughter at a stranger, but I liked testing who I met, hoping that for once they would continue the humor or reject it. It's been a while somebody has gone a long way with it.

Elle's eyes didn't meet mine. She was shy and I knew that.

"Ha, yeah man. Have everything you want. All yours. No judgement." She spoke sarcastically, separating the burgers.

No Judgement. A new word for me.

"No judgement, eh?" I chuckled, "But, thanks. M'sure Theo would beat my ass. I'll take hold of some fries, though. Would you be eating?" I took a few fries with one functioning hand.

Was I asking her too many questions? Yes, I was. I liked company and if she was going to be babysitting my nephews for who knows how long, she must be considered part of the family. I know my old babysitters were.

Before Elle can think about it, I proceeded again, "You don't want to eat with Niall Horan?" I joked.

It wasn't a joke. I said my name on purpose. I'm sure she had no clue who I was, but yet, my curiosity had taken over. There was no way I was going to ask her straight up, 'hey, do you know who I am?'. It felt like a game.


"You don't want to eat with Niall Horan?" Niall spoke sarcastically.

He was testing me.

I never paid attention in school, but somehow, I can tell that Niall was waiting for me to jump on him and scream that I was in a room alone with a former One Direction member, fangirl and reveal myself. But, I wasn't young anymore.

I gulped at his sarcasm and gave a nervous laugh, "Sure. I don't mind eating with a new Horan." I lied.

It was surprising for me to speak to him really normal. I always thought I had to script or program what I would say to him in my head before saying it outloud, but everything I said came naturally. It was comforting.

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