(16.) - Black Market Raid.

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We marched on down the large road until we hit a sort of dead end. A giant wall of a big building which was known as the storage house for most of Yiinaos local goods. Upon reaching this wall, Harcone walked up to the wall and place his right arm against it.
After a little bit, he mumbled a couple of indecipherable sentences - which caused the wall to shift and reveal a giant staircase leading downwards. This had to be the sort of 'main entrance' to the black market - right? Why else would there be a giant hidden staircase?

I didn't say anything though, despite my comments internally. I simply remained silent as Harcone took the lead and began to lead us all down the stairs.
And upon the last few people beginning the descend downward, the wall behind us shifted back to how it was before - hiding the staircase once more.

We descended down the staircase for a little while, before eventually reaching the end of the staircase - which spat us all out in the back of the the black market - behind all the 'buildings' and stuff, off in the shadows.

Upon exiting the staircase 'hall' Harcone immediately gestured to everyone to remain as quiet as possible. Even if this was a raid, he probably didn't want to alert everyone in the black market just yet.
He then turned to face me and my friends.

"Mr.Shin, I trust you know where you're supposed to head?"

I nodded lightly in response.

"Me and my friends are fully aware."

"Good, then go and take your positions. In fact, everyone - take your positions. We'll attack once everyone is in place."

Harcone explained, as everyone else gave a collective nod of agreement. Then, all of us split up. Me and my friends all headed off into our own ways - Frindel and Wezrall taking things to the top by using Wezralls 'Gravity Manipulation' to ignore how gravity worked on them.

Iyka had taken Odale with her and ran off towards the western most wall. Now before you worry about the fact that Iyka may not be able to fight, I've already covered that part.
How so? Well, let's just say - she has been equipped with some new equipment which I had requested the Ancient One to make the blueprints for.

Klana and Harcone also went off into their own ways, with Klana and the guild employees cutting down the middle, while remaining as sneaky as possible, while Harcone took the eastern most wall, running off towards it alone while the guards that he had brought with him all split off into two groups, each on cutting in-between everyone else.

Lastly, was me.
I was using my 'Undetectable' and 'Shadow Manipulation' skills to quickly make my way off towards the big tower in the 'centre' of the black market, as my job was to keep the Succubus inside it busy.
Now how I was going to do that? No clue. However, I just had to make sure that while the raid is in progress, she does not manage to escape before Harcone arrives to properly 'arrest' her.

I practically sprinted towards the big tower, shedding quite a sweat as I did. This was probably one of the most nerve racking moments of my life.
....If you don't count all those times I almost died for a second time-
But that's besides the point.
What I meant by 'nerve racking' is that Harcone and the others will launch the raid the second everyone gets in place - even if I haven't reached the tower yet.

So I was basically on a unknown timer, to get to the tower and inside it before the raid officially began, so I could go on and confront the Succubus head on.

...Why was I left with what is basically the most important job of all?
Feels like Harcone and Klana put me in charge of this task on purpose - why? No clue.

As I was running, my fear came true as I used 'Overworld Detection' and realised that everyone had reached their places and were ready.


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