(26.) - My First Day Teaching.

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        It was quite sunny early in the morning - I was up and out of bed quite quickly and got everything I wanted and needed done. Ate some breakfast, packed my bag, packed some lunch - standard things needed for an average girl attending the Yiinao Magic Academy.
Oh right - I haven't introduced myself yet.

My name is Morgan Klier - and I am a 17 Year old Sorcery student at the Yiinao Magic Academy.

When I arrived to the academy grounds, they were overflowing with students - as would be expected of a First Rate education establishment such as Yiinao Magic Academy. Oh and of course — it was the opening ceremony as well as he meetings with all the new teachers today.
So that also played a role in the sheer amount of people that overflowed the academys ground.

Anyways - I was expecting this 'first day' to be just like the other 'first days' of this academy — However something was different. Passing by student groups, I heard them gossip and talk about apparently some rumours going around about a B-Ranking adventurer having been hired as a Temporary Teacher at the academy.

It was interesting to hear, but I just brushed it off as meaningless gossip and nothing more - I mean, really? An adventurer being hired as an educator at a prestigious school such as Yiinao Magic Academy?

At that point, you may as well say that dogs have 4 Heads and can fly. (Definition of 'Foreshadow' - A instance where a future ev—)

Anyways, I simply continued my march towards the academy buildings main entrance, cheerfully humming to myself as I did. However, right before I managed to enter the academys main building, I bumped into something.


I looked around and saw a pretty big crowd right in front of me, blocking the entrance to the main building itself. Confused, I tried to listen in what they all were whispering among themselves, to try and understand why exactly they all were standing here blocking the entrance.

"Did you see him?"
"The guy in the white coat?"
"Is he a student?"
"No way he's a student - he has to be a teacher."
"You think so? He looks a bit rough for a teacher..."

More meaningless gossip...
I bet they're just whispering between themselves about some dude or something that got a small glow up in the time we all had been on 'break'. I pushed myself through the crowd, laughing to myself.

'I mean - really, can this individual they're gossiping about actually be THAT impres—'

As I finally caught a view of the person everyone was gossiping about, I felt my jaw hit the floor and my heart basically sink. A tall, young man stood infront of the information board - dressed in a beautiful white coat with light blue and even some gold accents. White hair with light blue strips and a build which made him look heavenly.

I basically was lost for words upon seeing him. Who was this guy? I haven't seen him around before... Is he... Is he a new student? No, maybe a new teacher?
....Whoever he is, I have to get to know him.

         From Faofas perspective.

     I was aimlessly staring at the schools information board, with a slight sweat on my face - dripping down as I exhaled heavily. Nothing on this whole entire board, which is meant to give me information, was useful.
There wasn't a layout of the school territory, there weren't any rules - it was basically all just events and shit that would only really apply to students at this time.

Well... That is until I officially become a tutor at this school - which after that point, they'll apply to me as well — but that's a different story.

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