(39). - Spidersin Queen.

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         One of Triterys generals huh...? If this thing is only a general, then I am scared to know how MASSIVE Tritery himself was. The aura this thing protrayed was also something insane - it felt so powerful and overwhelming, it almost made me think twice before actually fighting this thing - I mean, really.

The Creature glared down at me and Tritery, before seemingly letting out a demonic laugh.

As the giant creature towered over me and Odale, I couldn't help but gulp and then shed a cold sweat.
Odale created two orbs of flames in his hands, before taking a more battle ready position.

"Lord Faofa, please get out of here while you can - allow me to buy you time."

....Oh HELL no—
You are NOT sacrificing yourself for me right now or any other time. I simply scuffed at Odales statement, smiling lightly before looking up at the monster with fearless eyes.

"Don't even bother with those jokes - I am not running away from a fight. I'll take care of this thing, you search around for any surviving victims."

I stated.
Odale looked like he was about to protest, however upon seeing my fearlessness, he exhaled and extinguished his flame orbs.

"...Very well Lord Faofa... Please be careful."

He stated, before dashing off into a different part of the room. After Odale left the giant monster stared down at me with its white eye.


The creature stated with its roaring voice, before throwing a punch down towards me. I exhaled, before tensing up my body and then activating my 'Limitless Acceleration' skill, hopping into the air right as the giant arm of the creature crashed into the ground.

Afterwards, I landed on its arm before beginning to sprint up it - using 'Limitless Acceleration' to dash up higher on it with unreal speed.


The monster announced, attempting to squash me with its other hand, only for me to easily dodge and finally make a final dash up its arm, leaping up high into the air above it, before activating 'Abyssal Flame Control' and infusing my White Flame Bo-Staff with the Abyssal Flame, creating a brand new weapon;
Staff of YinYang.

After that, I created a small platform at my feet, before propelling myself from it, down towards the monster - spinning the bo-staff, before crashing down on it, slicing off its left arm with ease as well as causing it to scream in pain.

I landed onto the ground, as the severed arm fell to the floor. Afterwards, I immediately activated 'Limitless Acceleration' to begin a dash back upwards to perform another downwards slash with the bo-staff.


The monster roared loudly, before many, many, many black and red magic circles appeared behind it, before seemingly lasers or something shot out from them, flying towards me. These must be something similar to webs...
Shouldn't be too hard.

| Even then, caution is advised— |

Caution, smaution — I will be fine. You worry too much Ancient One. I easily began dodging the incoming strikes, before leaping in towards the monsters head. The beast quickly lifted its other arm infront of its face, attempting to block me, however all it did was allow me to slice off its fingers, causing the beast to roar in pain once more, as I landed onto its right shoulder.

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