(31.) - Hero Trainer & Investigation Begins.

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     7 Days Later.
        A Bit away from Yiinao..

         A white carriage, with four snow white horses dressed in large crimson red 'robes' or 'cloaks'. Inside the carriage - the squad of 4 Heroes that Faofa had interacted only once before were all sitting inside - all four of them seemingly a bit nervous and two specifically were quite annoyed.

"Man - why are we required to attend this prestigious academy in a different city? We're so called 'Heroes' now right? What will they teach us there?"

The Swordsman complained lightly, exhaling after his statement. The other three Heroes simply eyed him, however remained silent for a bit, until Ikoma let out an exhale herself as well.

"You know, while I don't agree on the teaching thing, I do agree that we don't have much of a reason to attend this oh so prestigious academy."

She added, crossing her arms and looking slightly down - her 'witch' hat tilting down a bit, sending a shadow over her face. The two hero complains were met with a cold shoulder silence, given to them by the other two heroes who had remained silent -
Minomoto Fusaji and Komeno Kio.

Ikoma and Tadamu looked at the other two a bit confused, before looking away with slight sweat building up on their faces.


They stated in a perfect synchronization. Fusaji and Kio simply looked away in two different directions, each one looking outside the carriages windows, watching the scenery pass by as the carriage kept moving forward.

Kio gazed off out of the carriages windows, watching the scenery pass by - with different types of it the further away the scenery got. She was a bit traumatised inside her mind from the encounter she had with Olhade - The so called 'Cursed Paladin'.

She simply couldn't get the scenes she saw at that time out of her head - this knight, easily tearing through her friends and putting them all on the edge of deaths door.

While she herself made it out of that event relatively unscathed - that was thanks to Faofa and the gang, who showed up at the last moment and battled Olhade, before eventually, Faofa ended his 'tyranny'. She spent a while in the Ordial church, recovering mentally from that traumatic experience, until the Holy Church from the Holy Capital decided to send them all on a training and education mission - after seeing the way a Harbinger of Tritery practically played with them like they were nothing.

The main intention of this time to train and learn at the Yiinao Magic Academy, was to prepare the Heroes a bit more and hopefully make them more skilled and intelligent when it came down to fighting, incase they happened to run into an enemy like Olhade.

The one somewhat happy and non-depressing thought that she could think of at this time was simple;

'...I wonder what Mr.Shin is up to right now...'

She thought, lifting her gaze up towards the sky peaking in through the carriages window. Unknown to all Heroes at this time, the academy they were headed to just so happened to be a part of an investigation case initiated by the Baron of Yiinao, Kalos.

And the investigator at the heart of the investigation? - none other than the person or, more accurately - the snake that had saved the Heroes from Olhades terror back when they were on the doorstep of death — Faofa Shin — who also just so happened to have been picked as the homeroom teacher of the Heroes, in order to keep a watchful eye over the training and education of the heroes, as he was an adventurer with experience.

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