(36). - The Phantom Dance

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      The Fourth Floor...
           2:12 in the morning..
      I'll be honest, I have no clue how we got here. I wanted to hear Annabeles answer to all my questions, and I did get them - however only to two of them. For the third one, she decided to drag me off onto the fourth floor - yeah.... The same fourth floor where apparently a ghost or something was on the loose kidnapping people.

No idea why we are here - like actually - what even is the purpose behind this visit to the fourth floor? I didn't plan on coming here until I heard back from Odale....

But oh well - maybe I will see what is taking him so long. As the girl lead me deeper onto the fourth floor, the atmosphere felt... Strange. It wasn't heavy feeling noir really that overwhelming feeling, but simply strange feeling.

I am not quite sure how on how to describe it...
Creepy - let's just say that.

| Master, I am picking up traces of Odales magical energy - he has definitely been through here at some point. |

Yeah, I could sense the traces as well...
So Odale definitely was here at some point - but why hasn't he returned yet? And how come my connection to him through telepathy was cut short? Something is fishy.... Real fishy.

"By the way Mr.Shin - I don't recall ever seeing you around the school before — you're a new teacher, right?"

"Sort of - I am technically a temporary teacher, not a permanent one."

Now she wants to know more about me-? Earlier, she had even completely forgotten to ask for my name until I mentioned it after getting a bit tired of her just calling me 'Teacher'.
Annabele seemed to look a bit disappointed by my answer.

"Well that's a shame... I was hoping that I'd have a new friend. You know, it's been boring all these years to be all alone and having no one to talk to. But as an Apparition, I can't exactly go around showing myself to others, as they freak out when they see me."

She stated, sighing a bit heavily. Afterwards, she pulled her arms behind her back, holding them there as she continued to trail on in front of me. I honestly couldn't read her at all. I couldn't quite grasp whether she was incredibly mature or still just a 19 year old girl.

She sort of seemed like a more.... Reputable and 'mature' version of Frindel. Of course - minus the whole mystery thing—
....Actually, I take that back - comparing her to Frindel is basically like I am insulting her behind her back and I don't like to do that.

Eventually, after what felt like forever of us just walking - we reached the end of the fourth floors hall, where Annabele stopped and then turned around to face me - smiling lightly. I lifted an eyebrow, before crossing my arms.

"Okay, now spill the beans. Why'd you bring me all the way here?"

I asked, sharpening my gaze slightly onto her. Annabele seemingly thought about the question for a bit before chuckling.

"Right, right - I still have to answer your last question. That's why I brought you here."

She stated, before tapping the floor with her foot lightly. Then, in the following second, a giant shadow loomed over thr wall behind her, before looming onto the ceiling, causing me to back up a bit and even manifest the White Flame Bo-Staff, just in case. Then, a pair of golden eyes appeared in the shadow, before a third one also appeared - rotated to be vertical and placed in-between the other two eyes.

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