(25.) - Brand New Teacher.

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   The Following morning...

       I was up and ready very early in the morning. The carriage that was going to pick me up was going to arrive soon, so I had quite the small amount of time to actually prepare. Currently I was downstairs and sitting in the guest room of the Inn, with everyone else here with me as well.

Iyka was falling asleep on the table, barely able to keep an eye open while Frindel and Wezrall both were silently sitting at the table - almost like they were inside their heads or thoughts.
It definitely made for a rather... Unsettling? I suppose? View of them.

It made me feel like I was being full on judged by the two for no apparent reason. Finally, Odale was in his cat form, chilling on my shoulder. We had all decided on a plan — Since I'll be going to the academy to fill the role of a teacher teaching about the Dark Arts and Magic, none of my friends could technically accompany me and come with me.

However - Odale was a surprising loophole around that. In his cat form, he could easily accompany me as I could pass him off as my 'Familiar' — a magical creature that has a special link to me.
Which technically... Wasn't wrong. Odale was an Elder Lich - which I'd count as a Magical Creature - even if he could also use Miasma to his advantage.

Basically, as long as no one finds out who Odale really is, he is in the green light to accompany me.

This did stir up a little bit of trouble, as a certain someone threw a small trantrum about not being able to join me.
....Okay, not really a tantrum - but I seriously did NOT enjoy this morning when the decision was being made.

<Wio>; (Wezrall)
"Shin, are you one hundred percent certain that this is a good idea? You'll be going to a place where you could risk getting your identity exposed..."

Wezrall expressed his concern, while Frindel simply laughed at his comment and straightened her back proudly - a smug expression on her face.

<Elin>; (Frindel)
"Oh dear Wio, you worry too much! He has managed to blend in perfectly among humans without any issue up until now! It'll be fine!"

She stated with a very, very confident tone. It was so confident, that I laughed to myself nervously. I kinda wish that I had the kind of confidence in myself that Frindel had in me...
I wasn't doubting my ability to blend in and keep my identity as a snake a secret - I was more doubtful about the entire deal with the 'Myths'.

After all, I wasn't going to this academy entirely to be a temporary teacher - No, no, no - The Baron had to make my life a living hell by asking me to also investigate something called the '5 Myths of Yiinao Academy' — which are apparently different occasions or something where something unexplainable and bad has happened at the academy.

For some reason, the Baron is worried about them and even compared them to the Hand Sons of Tritery...
Even though they probably were nothing more but old folk tales.

I exhaled heavily, before face palming and snapping my fingers. In an instant - a small chain which I had tied around my wrist earlier this morning, shot from my wrist and around Frindels mouth - blocking her from talking.
She squirmed a bit, however then dropped her head onto the table with a depressed expression.

Then, I looked at Wezrall, as Odale stared at Frindel in slight shock.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. If I've managed to stay hidden as a snake in public so far, then I'll manage to remain hidden for a little while longer."

I replied, before snapping my fingers again - the chain removing itself from Frindel before tying around my wrist once more.
The new skill 'Chain Manipulation' was coming in handy and was pretty interesting. Unfortunately, since it was a 'manipulation' skill not a manifestation or control, I could only manipulate chains that existed in the world around me.

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