(70). - The Semi-Final Matches [II].

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     The second semi-final match was bound to begin, with Lavia walking out into the field after the entire mess left behind by the previous semi-final match had been cleaned up. The crowd went silent, all waiting in anticipation on what would the final match before the grand finale look like.

It had to be epic — right?

"From the left side — we have team Snowflake Dancers!"

Lavia announced, turning towards the left side of the arena, as Jilk, Rosalin and Alexander all three walked out of the tunnel, their expressions filled with determination to win this fight and move onto the final battle — even if it was going to be against their own friends.

Then, Lavia turned to face the right side of the arena.

"From the right side — we have team Whispering Hands!"

She announced, as the other team began their march out into the field — and was it... An interesting sight. It was just 3 members, just like the trio of misfits, however all three of those members...
Were third years.

More specifically, two third year girls — one with violet, short hair and the other with red medium length hair — and a single third year male, who had really short black hair and... Elven like ears...
All three of these third years also wielded melee weapons — with the girls wielding long swords, the red haired one even dual wielding them, while the boy had two gauntlets on his hands, which looked like quite the heavy duty ones.

The two teams took their stances in the field, with Jilk noticing the Elven like ears that the third year boy in the opposing team possessed. This made Jilk instantly vary of the boy — as he sharpened his gaze onto the third year boy.

Elfs weren't exactly known for their muscles, as their muscle density was very low and they overall weren't the strongest when it came to physical strength alone....

So seeing one wielding gauntlets as their weapon of choice was rather an odd choice.

Lavia then turned around, before looking towards the Snowflake Dancers and lifting her left arm up towards them.

"Team Snowflake Dancers — are you ready?"

She asked with a loud tone.
Rosalin crashed her Greatsword into the ground infront of her just like she had done in their matches before, before then proceeding to smirk and look at Lavia with a determined and confident expression.


She stated, with Alexander and Jilk also taking positions after her answer.

Lavia nodded lightly, lowering her left arm before raising her right arm and looking towards the other team.

"Team Whispering Hands — are you ready?"

She asked with the same loud tone. The two girls immediately took positions, drawing their blades out, while the elven male in-between them both warmed up his muscles a bit — stretching out and even cracking his knuckles, before taking position.

<Third Year Elf>;

He stated, tightening his hands into fists. Lavia nodded before lowering her right arm and then looked away, before taking in a slightly deep breath.

"Then — I pronounce this fight, as begun!"

She announced, quickly leaping out of the arena like she would always do. In an instant, the moment the match was announced as begun, Alexander leapt back as far as he could, before drawing out his shortsword and blocking an incoming strike from the violet haired girl.

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