(24.) - Questing & Departure.

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        Over the course of the following 3 days, me and my friends were quite busy. We took on quest after quest, completing so many that it was beginning to feel like we were on some kind of contest to see how many we could complete in quick succession.

The quests themselves weren't all that special to be honest - slaying a couple of monsters, recovering some items left behind by the guild, etc.
We kept taking these rather easy quests, mainly because that's what was allowed for us. In the Adventurer Guild, I am currently only B-Rank under their system and Wezrall is C-Rank.
However, since Iyka and Frindel only registered here in Yiinao... They both were D-Ranked.

So while me and Wezrall together would usually be able to take on C and B rank quests, because of Frindel and Iyka, we, as a party, were only allowed to take on a maximum of a E-Rank quest, not any higher than that.
In case you are wondering, the Adventurer Guilds ranking system goes from D the lowest to F, then E, then C, then B, then A and then finally S.

However apparently there were rankings higher than S, they just weren't public.
Anyways... Point is - we took on these easy quests, as stated before, mainly because of necessity and them being the only ones we COULD take on.
However, there was a second reason as well - we took them on, to try and raise our ranks and reputation in Yiinao.

Something that I've been introduced to while here in Yiinao, is that through the Adventurer Guild, you are able to raise your 'reputation' or 'trustability' in a city by completing quests regularly.
This 'Reputation' would then translate to potential discounts in shops, some extra rewards from the guild itself and eventually even access to 'Special' Quests, which were not put up for anyone to take on like the other ones.

A pretty handy system if you ask me - however, does remind me of a game I had tried once back in my old life...
It had a system similar to this.


We are currently on what is our final quest for today - Siksaday (Saturday).

We were locked in a heated pursuit after a pack of Clouded Dire-Wolves — a Type of direwolves, that had pelts similar to sheep.
The wolves were running away from us as fast as they could, while we were hot on their trail, pursuing them little bastards through the trees.

Wezrall was the main pursuer - running directly behind the pack to keep them running. Frindel and Iyka were both pursuing the wolves from the sides - leaping through trees or sprinting on the ground. Odale, was floating from above, making sure that we were 'herding' the wolves to where we wanted them to go.
And then finally, there was me - the one whose job was to take out the pack when they reached our designated destination. Oh yeah - I was in the shadows pursuing them.

I thought I'd let you know.

"Turn left!"

Odale shouted.
Everyone on the ground nodded before beginning to take a sharp left turn, with Frindel and Iyka using their abilities to ensure the wolves wouldn't sprint off of our laid out road.
Wezrall then shrieked with a loud Wendigo screech, causing the wolves to only stop for a split second as to not run into Frindel before sprinting straight down the left side.

The pursue continued.

If you're wondering why were even bothering to chase the pack of Direwolves the way we are chasing them and not just kill them all in one go without wasting any time, it's mainly because there is a very specific way that a direwolf has to be killed. If you just slaughter them in anyway possible, you risk ruining the quality of their pelts and fangs, which are very fragile and very, very valuable - as both materials can be used for some of the highest quality armour, weapons and tools imaginable.

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