(43). - Training Exercise.

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    The Next Day...
         Around a Kilometre away
           From Yiinao Magic Academy....

       I had basically dragged out my students into the wilderness, taking them all with me over a kilometre away from the academy. Now you may ask me why I had done so. Well, to put it simply, I wanted to set up conditions in a way that allowed them to fight while under a disadvantage - however, I was unable to do that while in the academys territory, since I was risking being found out.

In fact, I was kind of still risking over a kilometre out in the wilderness, considering that the academys territory was quite vast and even borderline criminal in its size.

I mean - I legit was only like 200 or something metres off of the end of the patrol line for the academy, which was not actually all that far away. If anyone comes patrolling around here, especially those shadow teachers, I am fucking busted.

Odale was chilling on my shoulder, keeping his gaze back towards the students while his tail wagged from side to side — almost like he was nervous about something. After a bit, he turned to face me and poked me lightly.

"Lord Faofa, I must know - what do you plan on doing to put them at a disadvantage? You're unable to cast a spell that can limit someones stats yet."

He whispered, moving a tiny bit closer to my ear. Odale did have a point - all I could do is probably poison them which would hinder their battle abilities, but it didn't feel right to poison my own god damn students. That would just be heartless.

However, even though I didn't possess any way to burden them without endangering their lives...

I gave Odale a pretty smug look, which seemingly made him shed a cold sweat, as he chuckled nervously and then sighed a bit heavily.

"I see.... You want me to set up a disadvantage circumstances for them... Alright - I can try."

Odale replied.
I nodded, before stopping and turning to face the students all of them also stopping and looking around confused. Then Jilk lifted up his right hand.

"Question Teacher - why are we almost one and a half kilometres away from the school?"

He asked. Everyone else seemingly also 'agreed' to the same question, all of them showing curiosity on what exactly I was planning on doing. I simply put on a pretty devious smirk, which seemingly scared or atleast, made the students a bit worried.

Afterwards I simply, placed my arms onto my hips and chuckled.

"Alright! Listen up, because I will only say this once. The reason why I brought you all out here is so that we could train without any disturbances. After all, you will be training while your abilities are halved, so we can't exactly do that in the school territory."

I explained a bit - trying to 'portray' or something my idea to them in the easiest way I could. The students seemingly somewhat understood what I said, however still showed slight signs of confusion and even straight up suspicion.

I chuckled a bit nervously, before clapping my hands together and gesturing to Odale to shift into his real form. Odale seemed a bit hesitant at first, however after a moment or two, hopped off my shoulder and onto the ground, before a flame engulfed him, shocking the students. Then, after the flame dissipated, it revealed his true appearance as a skeleton — only difference being that his outfit had completely changed since the last time.

His robes that he had before had been changed out to some ragged looking ones that also had chains tied around him at his wrists and waist, sort of like belts or something.

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