(58). - Academy under Lockdown.

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   Back at the Tournament...

            Yet another match had finished just now. This time, it was between a student who wielded a regular longsword and a student who wielded a pair of sickles — which I didn't even know was a weapon option. Guess in this world, anything that can deal damage could be considered a weapon... I mean, the tournament has only been going on for a little while with only around 26 or something contestants from the best managing to have their one on one matches so far.

But even then, it felt like I had seen just about every type of weapon and fighting style there was to see in this world. It was honestly a great deal of diversity. Anyways — that all is cool and all, but only 24 contestants remain, which means only 12 matches are yet to be fought.

And so far, only Jilk and Morgan from my class have fought eachother, which was kinda wild. But, since 13 matches between 26 students have already concluded, that means that the remaining 12 are mostly going to be between my students... Well, mostly. There's going to be one of my students, who will be facing someone else that isn't part of my class, but that's whatever.

If anything, that student is going to get it easy for their fight unlike the others, so lucky them.

With Jilk and Morgan having fought already, it left only 9 of my students to fight, which meant that there was a high likelihood of them facing eachother at a random. 4 matches of potentially my students facing eachother...
That should be entertaining.

Shortly after the entire arena was cleared of any signs of the previous battle, the next two students or contestants were invited to appear onto the battle field.

"For our next contestants, we have an interesting match indeed! Ms. Lavia?"

Lavia stepped forward to the middle of the arena, before taking a military like stance.

"From the right side, we have Diamond Dirraja of the Misfit Class!"

She announced, as Diamond slowly and nervously walked out onto the field, with the whole crowd cheering her on. It wasn't surprising to be honest, after seeing the spectacle that was the battle between Morgan and Jilk who are also from this so called 'Misfit' class, the crowd is bound to be excited to see what the other students from said class can do.

Diamond took her position almost immediately, while Lavia brought everyones attention to the left side of the field, the gate opening up dramatically, despite.... Being open the whole time...
Alright, who closed it while no one was looking?

"From the left side, we gave Avel Sapphire of Class 3-A!"

Hold up— Class 3-A?!? A third year?! Are we sure this is fair—?
Diamond is only first year that will graduate and move onto the second year this year—

After the gates opened dramatically, out of them stepped a stunning young lady, with long crystal blue hair, which sparkled in the sunlight. The girls skin was also darker than the other contestants that I've seen so far and her ears... They were very long.

Was she an Elf—?

| Dark Elf — to be more specific. Dark Elves are mostly distinguished by their darker skin tone, which is helpful for them to blend in dark environments. This fact - combined to their great aptitude for magical prowess, makes them mostly nucternal species. |

I see... That's interesting. Perhaps I will do a bit more digging on what the Dark Elves are about, since in my old life — most stories portrayed them as nasty little guys that were basically like elves but evil or something.

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