THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING | pj & adow | character notes

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Riversong is living rent free in my head, so y'all are getting more character notes / notes on her world building

Riversong is living rent free in my head, so y'all are getting more character notes / notes on her world building

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- Riversong and Luke were mates, but not in the traditional sense. I can see them begin like chosen mates; like I think a chosen mate would just be someone who a werewolf would choose to be with after their soulmate died or like they feel as though their the best match and don't want wait around to find their soulmate as it's not necessarily a guaranteed thing (it all falls on how Aphrodite feels) or something of that degree of things.

I feel like if Luke and Riversong were mates, than it really adds more to her tragedy and gives her a little more depth into her overall motives in the war. I also think that it really does add more layers to Luke's overall character as well. Like it adds to him wanting things to change for demigods because now he has this person that he is profoundly bonded to and seen first hand how their world has beat down and abused her; not to mention the fact their bringing another life into their world and know the life it would inevitably lead. Plus, I love the idea of Luke getting though Kronos's possession by begin able to connect to his soul bond with River and her pulling though the mental trenches Kronos has him in.

- I kinda like the idea that Riversong has done a few things to redeem herself in way, but she just doesn't ever acknowledge it or accept it because she ultimately feels unworthy. Like she did manage to save Ethan and other people's lives during the battle of Manhattan, River was the only one that ultimately helped Luke kill Kronos (and unfortunately himself), and at the end of the war she was the one who gave all their information to the gods. She, at the end of the day, was just a small fish in a large pond with bigger fish at play.

- Part of me wants to say that River has managed to save everyone that was/or considered a rebel. Like she somehow saved more than Ethan like that of Silena and Charles. From a writing perspective, I know it would take a little from her angst of feeling responsible for people's deaths and take a little away from certain book arcs. But, I also just like the idea of the rebels becoming like proper family dynamic post Luke's death because that's kinda want he would have wanted and also like a good third of them becoming wolves too. I also think it would go to reflect how River was the one keeping everyone together/alive during the war, so now it's everyone turn to help keep her together in pivotal time.

- Riversong can't go in ocean water without fearing that her father may harm her. It wouldn't apply to all water sources due to River and general water gods begin a thing, but River does fear the ocean now. Yet, she absolutely feels drawn to it. It's very painful for her to shut off that part of herself off and she doesn't inherently want to do it, but her father made it clear that he's not above killing her.

- River is considered the next king of the wolves post Nico killing Lycaon. This is mostly due to the fact that she's the one few known people to survive Lycaon's wolf bite, he has no living children, and there's the fact the werewolf had tried to force her to be his mate. So, by the sort of default, she gets his title.

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