ALCHEMY OF SOULS | merlin & adow | character notes

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Here's the official character / world building notes on Apolla Bishop !

𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: mentions of violence, scars, pastdeaths/murder, experiences of kidnapping andpast experience of torture

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𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: mentions of violence, scars, past
deaths/murder, experiences of kidnapping and
past experience of torture

- Apolla's mother gave her a family heirloom before she and Apolla's father had been murdered. The heirloom had been a pendant necklace; the pendant begin a sort of ancient water symbol made of pure sliver and hangs off long faded blue silk. Her mother told her to always wear the necklace as the necklace would bring her protection from the Lady of The Lake herself. Apolla, as an adult, had always assumed that the necklace had been merely imbued with her parents magic and that her mother had just used the story of the lady of the lake as a sort vessel to reassure the girl/to get the young girl to never take the necklace off as young Apolla had been absolutely obsessed with stories of Camelot/old fairytales.

 Apolla, as an adult, had always assumed that the necklace had been merely imbued with her parents magic and that her mother had just used the story of the lady of the lake as a sort vessel to reassure the girl/to get the young girl to never take ...

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- Apolla's memories of her parents are fleeting and hazy, at best. She's not as fortunate as her older sister, Diana, who actually had a bit of a childhood with her parents. Apolla barley had a few years with them.

- Rebecca and Stephen Bishop had spellbounded their daughters to different people. Diana's magic was tied mostly away (only ever coming out instinctively when Diana was ever in a life threatening situation) till she met Matthew, a vampire who Diana's parents had foreseen her falling in love with and knew he'd protect her from Peter Knox and others who wished to hurt Diana due to her rare/powerful magic. As for Apolla, it unknown who her parents tied her powerful magic to.

- When Apolla was younger, and after her parents deaths, she started to have very vivid daydreams of running away to a sort of old medieval fairytale land with big castle and queen that had taken her in as her of adopted daughter. The seemingly innocent dreams even bleed into her normal dreams. It was to the point she feel like she spend months in her daydreams only for people to say that she only been out of the house for few minutes max. It wasn't till she was older that she founded out that she was quite literally time walking and the strangely nice queen was a literal person and not some imaginary friend/figment of her imagination.

 It wasn't till she was older that she founded out that she was quite literally time walking and the strangely nice queen was a literal person and not some imaginary friend/figment of her imagination

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- Apolla, much like her older sister, has never had much of strong connection to the witch world

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- Apolla, much like her older sister, has never had much of strong connection to the witch world. Between her parents deaths and her mediocre experiences with witch covens in the past, she just has a hard time opening up to the witch world. This point is further worsened and stressed on when she and her sister are attacked by Satu Järvinen. Apolla was forced to merely watch as Satu Järvinen tortures Diana and tries to uses her own magic to open Diana up to figure out her secrets and her magic. Unable to break Diana down despite the horrific torture, Satu Järvinen turns her malice motivates onto Apolla in attempt to break Diana and or to see if the younger Bishop witch would give her the information she desperately sought after. Neither one did though. Now both Bishop sister's bare wounds from her magic.

- Apolla feels strangely about her sister's current situation

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- Apolla feels strangely about her sister's current situation. Apolla really likes Matthew, she really does; and she can can tell that he and Diana are literally soulmates. But, in a strange way, she feels like she's loosing her sister. Apollo realizes how untrue this is and knows that this is part of life, but she still feels so bittersweet about the whole thing. Like she wants her older sister to be happy, but yet, she also feels absolutely abandoned and isolated with how things are playing out. She mostly keeps this to herself though as she doesn't want to ruin things with her own emotions that she feels are unnecessary.

- Diana and Apolla have always been glued at the hip, even as adults. The two sisters have always felt the need to protect one another and look out for each other. While not uncommon for sisters, especially ones who have had their parents die at such young vulnerable age, the two do share something that is uncommon. Which is their magic ties to each other. Both of the Bishop sisters are weavers witches, which are an incredibly rare type of witches, and thus can feel each other presences through their weaving abilities.

- Unlike the Diana who forms a pact with the goddess Artemis through the goddess's act of saving Matthews life, Apollo and Apolla (unknowingly) formed a pack when she was merely a little girl. It is unknown to Apolla how or when or what the cause of forming the pact and all that Apollo expects from them.

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