EYES CLOSED | percy jackson & xmen/deadpool | character notes

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Here's the official character / world building notes on Penelope Xavier and her fic !

Here's the official character / world building notes on Penelope Xavier and her fic !

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- Penelope found out she was a demigod when she was merely age nine

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- Penelope found out she was a demigod when she was merely age nine. The thing that had triggered it all had been when she was out shopping with her mother when Penelope had been separated from her by a crowed of people and than she had prompt attacked by a bunch of empousai; she luckily survived the attack due to them stupidly cornering her in a sporting goods store and Penelope had been able grab an bow and arrow before instinctively firing away at them. The daughter of Eros was able to keep them at bay till a satyr quickly stumbled upon the fight before the flock of empousai were able to do anything.

- Penelope unlocked her mutant abilities when she was fourteen. She had been unknowingly using the telepathic and empathic abilities that she inherited from her father; Penelope had been connecting to other demigod's thoughts and emotions as she slept. All the thoughts and emotions of others got so overwhelming to her that her mutant abilities just triggered and made her nearly set the whole Hermes cabin on fire. To this day, Penelope will have a once year sort random burst of demigod powers and wake up to her room on fire. She doesn't really know why it happens. It's to the point that Charles had her room fire proofed so that if she does start a fire it won't catch the rest of the school on fire.

- Eros didn't claim Penelope till she shot her first arrow at age twelve. The daughter of Eros had originally been training with a sword since her arrival at the camp at age nine, but she finally got so annoyed and frustrated as her demigod instructor (a son of Ares) kept flirting with the very painfully oblivious demigod archery instructor (a son of Apollo), so Penelope instinctively grabbed a bow and shot them (much to everyone's horror). The arrow didn't harm them as it turned into a magical golden arrow in her hands, but the arrows that did hit them force the pair to confess their true romantic feelings.

- Penelope didn't know that her mutant abilities made her body and clothes fully fireproof till she was about seventeen. Penelope had found this out when she been pushed into Camp's fire pit by a pissed off daughter of Aphrodite because the girl's ex boyfriend had been talking with Penelope. Luckily, Penelope had been very fireproof and actually felt quite comfortable with begin in the flames. Unfortunately, for the daughter of Aphrodite, Penelope burnt was quick to burn a large chunk of her very long beautiful hair off in retaliation to begin pushed into a fire pit for merely talking to a close friend.

- Penelope got her father's wings at age sixteen. The process of the wings coming in had been utterly horrible, but she absolutely took to them when they did come in. Although, the cupid jokes got worse for her.

- Penelope is the only demigod child of Eros and he doesn't plan to have any more this millennium. A big part of this is due to Eros's attitudes toward love and relationships. Eros tends to be more about long term relationships and real deep love/connections, rather than how someone like Eros's mother, Aphrodite, views it - which she tends to be more about tragic and or fleeting romantic relationships. So, whenever Eros tends to have mortal lover, it's something that permeant and long lasting; unfortunately, in the case of Penelope's mother, her mother died fairly young due to rapid case of cancer.

- Eros plays a very active part in Penelope's life - more so than any god. As does her godly step mother, Pysche, who Penelope has wonderful relationship with. Pysche and Eros are very found of their mortal child and support in her in every way possible,

- Penelope built a Pegasus stable on her and her brother's school property when she was twenty four. Since building the stable, a lot of demigods that are currently enrolled in the school - like that of Percy Jackson - have brought their pegasus with them. She also has rescued a few horses and brought them to the stable. She has found that letting the children work with the horses has been very therapeutic for some.

- Penelope is the sort of vice principal of her half brother's school. Although, she doesn't necessarily work in typical way that a vice principal would. To put it rather plainly, Penelope is mostly just responsible for the demigod students as well as begin responsible for handling any supernatural phenomenons that occur in or around the school.

- Penelope teaches an archery group at the school as an extracurricular course. The daughter of Eros's is naturally one of the the best archers at the school.

- Penelope fights with gold bow (which can turns into a gold bow and arrow charm on a gold bracelet chain. Penelope can easily rip off the bow and arrows charm at anytime to change it's form. All she has to do to change it back to the charm form is use her telepathic abilities to command it to change forms. She can never loose the bracelet as the second she misplaces it, it just reappears on her wrist or her pocket depending on circumstance. She also never had to worry about arrows as she just has to draw her string back and her desired arrow type appears on the string.).

- Any bow and arrows that Penelope ends up using instantly become gold and magical in her hands due to her godly parent begin a lieutenant of Aphrodite/begin the actual cupid that uses bows and arrows to make people fall in love. Additionally, Penelope can make any arrow as lethal and non lethal as she wants as she can make them harmless love arrows or actual weapons of war.

- Penelope knew Wade Wilson way before he popped up on X-men's radar. This is due to Penelope knowing a son of Ares, who worked with the same mercenary group as Wade, and thus had a few run ins with him when she came to check on her old friend. In the very few encounters they had, the both of them had hit on each other and would mostly joke with one another. It wasn't anything too serious.

- Penelope was one of the first people to find Wade after he resurfaced as a mutant. This is mostly due to her helping her brother find new student and mutants in dire situation by using Cerebro.

- Penelope ended up looking after Vanessa for Wade after he specifically asked her to. Wade knew that Penelope would be someone that had no clear ties to himself and would be more than capable of protecting Vanessa if someone did somehow link them together.

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