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Current Legal Name; Lainey Cleo Coulson 

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Current Legal Name; Lainey Cleo Coulson 

Former Alias; Rani Elizabeth Jackson

Nickname; Lela or Rain

Age; Around 18

Sexuality; Pansexual

Species; Demigod

Godly Parent; Poseidon

Alignment; Chaotic Good

Main weapon; She heavily relies on her powers

Weapon; Sword, Throwing Daggers, and
sometimes uses a crossbow

Brief Backstory; Shortly after Rani Jackson was born
she was in trusted to her birth mother's old
friend, Philip Coulson, who at the time was
working his way up the ranks in SHIELD. The
reason behind her mother giving her up was
because Rani had twin bother named Percy
and her mother feared what the gods could do
if they found out. So, she hide her daughter and
gave her to someone who she knew would not
only love and adore her, but protector her. And
even die for her, if that what it took.

Lainey grew up in a pretty stable and very
loving household. She grew up knowing what her
dad's job was and was more then supportive of
if ( even if he was gone on long missions and she
would barely see him). Lainey for most of her
early life was homeschooled by a variety of her
godparents, her most notable godparents begging
Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Furry, and
Melinda May. It wasn't till middle school came that
her father decided to enroll her into public school
system. Which ended quite horribly. Lainey first
week in her school and she was attacked by a
Ancient Greek beast. She was saved by a
demigods named, Luke Castellan and
Annabeth Chase. It wasn't till she got to
Camp Half-Blood that she found her
lost sibling and the rest is basically history...

Faceclaim: Grace Phipps

Faceclaim: Grace Phipps

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