BURNING BRIDGES | percy jackson & xmen | character notes

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Here's the official character / world building notes on Lucienne Hesper and her fic !

𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: mentions of character deaths, very brief mentions of near sexual assault situations, and very brief mentions of suicidal behavior through drowning

𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: mentions of character deaths, very brief mentions of near sexual assault situations, and very brief mentions of suicidal behavior through drowning

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- Lucienne, at her very core, is a survivor

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- Lucienne, at her very core, is a survivor. She has for years endured everything thrown at her with no question, and she continues to endure more pain and suffering than what should be asked of any demigod and or mutant. She's of the belief that questioning why she's still alive after everything that it would be like her questioning why any of the gods have spared her for so long/generally questioning the gods ability to make rulings, which she knows will not end remotely good, so she simply doesn't. She simply endures. She just survives.

- Lucienne found out she was a demigod when she was merely seven years old. She had been playing outside near the cabin in the forest that her father was renting out for their small spring vacation. Lucienne had been playing in a sprinkler that her dad set up and she had caught a glimpse of a rainbow made by the sprinkler's water glittering under the bright spring sun, and she had simply tried to touch it. Much to her father's horror, Lucienne had been able to play with the rainbow light. When they had returned home to Manhattan, her father, Kaleo Hesper, had quickly made plans with Chiron to have her go to camp in the upcoming summer as he knew she would not be safe as a part of her demigod heritage had been unknowingly unlocked by herself.

- Lucienne unlocked her mutant abilities when she was fourteen. She had been returning home from Camp Halr Blood as she was about to start the new school year, but before she could get to her father's apartment in Manhattan, she had been cornered by creepy and slimy man. He had tried to force himself onto her, and in all of her confusion and overwhelming fear and intense anxiety, she had naturally produced her first lightforce crystal in the form of a knife that Lucienne - with all her inherent demigod gut reactions to protect herself from monsters - had stabbed him with the knife. She had gravely injured the man by stabbing him once with her lightforce knife, which had effectively stopped all unwanted advances/attacks and gave her time to quickly ran away; Lucienne later found out that he was killed by one of her mother's own Pegasus. 

- Lucienne, for a long time, didn't feel comfortable with her mutant abilities. Evan though she hails from a world that doesn't really blink much at weird abilities, she still felt very uncomfortable with herself. And the history and trauma tied to how she unlocked her abilities also add to the discomfort she tied to her abilities.

- Lucienne has fought in many battles for the gods over the years. She not the child of Ares and she's not the daughter of any of the main twelve gods of Olympus, but Lucienne has always been a good fighter with a lot of her mother's abilities (more abilities than most of her mother's previous children) and has mutant abilities thus she has been picked a bunch of quests due to those desirable qualities.

- There was time, when things were really dark for Lucienne, where she tried to commit suicide by drowning herself, but she ultimately changed her mind by the time she hit the water. Her willingness to survive, her inherent fight within herself, and the hope to live had ultimately been enough to activated her mutant powers. And she had been able to use her lightforce crystal to cut the ropes that she had bound to herself in order to successfully drown herself. She had been only able to survive due to herself and mutant abilities. Which sorta helped bury any anguish and self hated she felt towards begin a mutant.

- A month after Lucienne's eighteenth birthday and just few weeks after she had attempted suicide, she started developing her wings. She, at first, had though that she had messed up her back in a game of capture flag as she had only started feeling intense back till after the game. But, it wasn't till a child of Apollo had took a look at her back that it was revealed that she had not in fact hurt her back, but rather a uncommon godly trait had apparently been passed down onto her and she was just growing into it.

- Lucienne didn't start experiencing her telepathic abilities till she was about twenty five. They had started as sensations of overwhelming migraines and slowly moved to her hearing things that she most certainly shouldn't be able to hear. She had thought she was going crazy when it moved to Lucienne begin able respond to people before they ever verbally said something to her. She had a child of Apollo and Dionysus to look her over to see if she was actually going crazy. Lucienne obviously wasn't going crazy, but rather just growing into the full spectrum of her mutant abilities.

- Lucienne has a surprisingly good relationship with her mother. She has as close of relationship with her godly parent as a demigod can with a godly parent. Iris is constantly looking out for her daughter and trying to keep her out of harms way when she can.

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