THE ECSTACY OF DEATH | percy jackson & lucifer

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Here's the official character / world building notes on Vivian Westwood !

- Vivian has worked as Los Angeles Police Department's Medical Examiner for about roughly five years

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- Vivian has worked as Los Angeles Police Department's Medical Examiner for about roughly five years. In that time short span, she has become best friends with that of Ella Lopez, who works in the police department as a forensic scientist. She has befriend, although not admittedly as close to Ella, that of Chloe Decker and Dan Espinoza.

- Ella is the extrovert to Vivian's introvert. One could say that Ella Lopez is the golden retriever to Vivian's black cat. This to say they best friends, who are opposites in the best way possible.

- Hades never considered Vivian as a possibility for the prophecy since she is Persephone's daughter as well; despite not begin the one in the prophecy, she did fight in both wars and gas done a bunch of quests - she has even done quests that deal with her going into the depths of Tartarus.

- Unlike other traditional demigods that have normal red blood like mortals, Vivian's blood is closer to that of godly blood. Of ichor. Vivian's blood could best be described as gold with splotches of red. Although, since her blood is not true ichor, it is harmless to others.

- Vivian was born and raised in the Underworld. She's actually the first mortal ever to be born in her father's domain. The reason for this was both Hades and Persephone didn't want any harm to befall their lover and  Vivian's mother, Monica Westwood. With Hades's family tracker record of killing all his mortal lovers, it was deemed far too important for them to stay in the realm that their family couldn't hurt them in; additionally, Monica, unlike that of Maria Di Angelo, had no quells with staying in the Underworld as she was already familiar with the realm due to her own father already living in the realm. Since Vivian's birth, Monica has become immortal and become the official consort of the ruler's of the Underworld. She is also now the goddess of the mysterious death; she represents mystery, doubt and all the unexplained endings/deaths.

 She is also now the goddess of the mysterious death; she represents mystery, doubt and all the unexplained endings/deaths

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(Monica Westwood)

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(Monica Westwood)

- Vivian is one of very, VERY, few demigods that inherited godly parents (well, grandparent in her case) wings. Due to this, Vivian had a hard time feeling comfortable at Camp Half Blood. She already felt weirdly outcasted at Camp due to how much people seemed focus on how deeply tied to death and the underworld she was, so Vivian begin one of the only winged demigods at Camp made things drastically worse. Another downside to this is that no one else at Camp (demigod wise) particularly understood how difficult she has it by having wings and all of the weird sort of care that comes with having large wings.

- She is very close with all of her full and half siblings as well her parents. It's very fair to say that the gods of the Underworld actually care about their mortal kids than a fair amount of gods on Olympus. This is especially true with the likes of the rulers of the Underworld and Thanatos. Vivian grew up knowing only warm and compassion from her parents. And her grandfather was always around helping her father with the Underworld as well happily giving her advice on how to take care of her wings. As she grew up, she met her other siblings and would immediately become glued to them/protective of them. Even now as she no longer lives in the Underworld, she still tries to plan family game nights and has an open door policy with her large manor in Los Angeles.

- Vivian owns a truly extravagant and opulent manor in private part of Los Angeles. It's almost embarrassing how expensive it is and looks, but he father wanted her to really have the best; even if she kept insisting that an apartment or little cottage would be more than fine with her. So now she's stuck with a large expensive house. Vivian kinda just put up with her father's antics as she knows one of the ways her father expresses his love is through gifts that are usually pretty thoughtful; like the fact that he bought a big house for her because Hades's knows that her siblings will come to visit her and where one part of the seven goes the rest seemed to follow in tow, so he knows she'll be housing a lot of demigods at some point.

-- Vivian has few personal piercings (̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶l̶r̶e̶a̶d̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶n̶s̶f̶w̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶n̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶e̶t̶a̶i̶l̶)̶

- Vivian, unsurprisingly, is quite religious. Having been raised by literal Greek gods and having done lots of quests for various other Greek and Roman gods (not to mention her brushes with the Egyptian and Nordic pythons), she takes her faith quite seriously. Vivian tends to keep the fact that she's pagan to herself; although, most people she works with tend to believe that she's not even religious in the slightest as Vivian rather unfamiliar with a lot of Christian based holidays and the various traditions tied to them.

- She has a hard time connecting with all the mortals she works with as she has none of their shared experiences. Vivian didn't go to any kind of mortal schools or have those soft tentative  teen years. Instead, she got years of dealing with dead and monsters as well training herself boneless so she could survive anything that would undoubtedly be thrown at her. That's not even mentioning the trauma from the wars she fought in. So yeah, she can't really connect to people in that sincere connecting to similar experiences kind of way.

- Some of the people whom she works with - like that of Dan Espinoza - teasingly call her pomegranate girl. The name calling is all in good nature and playful; it's all on fairness as she tends to be very sassy them and teasing and she gives rather sarcastic commentary, so they tease her back. Anyways, the nickname started when they noticed that the girl was almost always spotted with pomegranate in her morgue's breakroom lunch table.

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