Chapter 31

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Henry's POV

"You can tell me whenever you wanna leave, okay?" Amara reassured as we approached the house that was playing loud music


I'm already so uncomfortable at the idea of being around drunk teenagers who probably bullied me before.

But I want Amara to have fun and I should be stepping out my comfort zone more often.

Shouldn't expect to see growth if you're comfortable all the time.

We stepped into the very crowded house and I can already feel my heart beating faster at the overwhelming atmosphere.

Amara locked her fingers with mine and smiled at me "it's okay" she reassured again when she saw how anxious I got. I felt a little calmer when she held my hand, I felt a bit safe.

She saw her friends and went to give them a hug. I awkwardly stood behind her as I looked around the place.

People sucking each other's faces off, people drinking an inhumane amount of alcohol, the smell of weed and sex filling the place up. Why do people even like parties?

I looked back at Amara and smiled at her friends who greeted me

"I'm gonna go outside a little, go have fun" I said to Amara who frowned her eyebrows "we can go back home if-" I cut her off and pecked her forehead "just go have fun baby"

I would like to go home and have her stay with her friends but I can't leave her alone here. No one here can be trusted and I don't want anyone to hurt her.

I took some non-alcoholic drink from the fridge and went to the backyard. There were a few people smoking but it was less overwhelming.

I sat down on one of the chairs and sipped my drink as I looked around. I could see Amara dancing with her friends through the window which made me smile a little. I like seeing her happy.

"You want some?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the guy who offered me some weed. I shook my head "I'm good. Thanks"

He shrugged and inhaled some smoke as he sat beside me "I'm Ashton" he said putting his hand out for me to shake "Henry" I shook his hand and smiled slightly.

I think this if the first time in years l've been approached and talked to like a normal human being by another person at school. Other than Amara of course.

"What brought you here? You clearly don't smoke or drink or even party" he said and I nodded, laughing a little "yeah I don't. My girlfriend wanted to come and I couldn't say no to her"

"You're a good boyfriend. Who's your girl?" He asked resting back on the chair "Amara" he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head with a somewhat proud look on his face "nice. Amara is very cute" he complimented "yeah she is"

"You are too" I smiled and rubbed my arm nervously "thanks..." no one really compliments me other than my mom and now Amara so l don't know how to act.

"Ohh you're the freaky nerdy boy? That got exposed for having a dick a while back?" We were doing so good.

"I'm sorry that sounded rude. I think it's cool honestly" okay I guess we're back on track?

I nodded my head and stayed quiet, not knowing exactly what to respond to what he said "so how long have you and Amara been dating?" He asked breaking the awkward silence "a few weeks"

"You guys are cute together" I smiled at his compliment "thanks"

We started talking more comfortably and he was so high so hearing him talk was a bit confusing but also very funny and entertaining.

"I used to like this girl who liked plants so much. Like she had them all over her house from the outside and inside. I thought it was a bit cute but when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw her talking to one of her plants.." he shook his head in disbelief of his own words.

"... was so scared like it was creepy as shit. Imagine waking up to your girl whispering her entire life story to a plant" he said making me laugh "it is creepy but I wouldn't run away from her since I really like her"

"You love her then cause l'd be right out that door"

Love her?

Actually I'm going to skip all the denying and gaslighting I will do to make myself believe like I don't love the girl I've been dating for just a few weeks.

I will seem pathetic and cheesy but my feelings for her are so unbelievably strong.

Denying the love I have for her is just useless.

I just know my eyes sparkle when I see her walking into any room. I sit up straight and get excited whenever she walks in my direction. I get goosebumps anytime she touches me. I look at her every chance I get. I try to memorize her favorite songs.

Fuck I feel like turning into a poet because regular sentences cannot describe the way she makes me feel or her unmatched beauty or just herin general.

I've always read about people being in love and felt absolute pain because whenever I did, I thought about Amara and thought the chances I had of ever being with her were nearly nonexistent.

But look at us now.

She was definitely worth the wait.

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