Chapter 40

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Amara's POV

"Hi Miss Hansen" I said smiling widely at Henry's mother but she didn't seem happy to see me "what are you doing here?" She asked making my smile die "I-I came to see Henry" I nervously said.

Did I do something wrong? Me and Henry's mom have a really good relationship so that really caught me off guard.

"Oh my god" she panicked and went inside the house so I followed her "what? What happened?" I asked her "Henry told me he was going to your place more than an hour ago"

"Maybe he went to a coffee shop or something. It's probably nothing major" I am trying not to panic because if we both panic, we won't know where he is.

"We had a fight. His dad was here and he was really upset so he said he's going to your place but he didn't and now I'm worried that he's going to do something stupid" his mom explained as tears went down her face.

I took her keys because she's definitely not in a good state that'll allow her to drive.

"We always have our location shared" I said pulling my phone out and going to see where he is "it says she's 20 minutes away"

We got in the car and I started driving to where he was.

Henry walked for so long. He is probably so tired and exhausted.

Mentally and physically since his mom mentioned his dad being a part of the problem.

"He's mad at me" I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at Miss Hansen "I doubt that. He wouldn't blame you for his dad's mistakes. He's smarter than that"

"It wasn't only him." she took a deep breath as i focused on the road"..he left on his own at first but he came back a few months after. I wanted to give him a chance but he was still taking drugs. He was being really aggressive when I confronted him and things escalated so l told him to never come back because he'd be a danger to my son"

"But of course, he skipped the part where he was the problem when he told Henry I didn't let him stay"

"Why didn't you tell him?" I asked her "because he already hates him. I don't want him to hate him even more. I was hoping that he'd come back when he's older and now he did. I want them to have a good relationship"

"I am so sorry for what I'm about to say but what is up with your family?" I said bluntly without thinking obviously. It was rude of me to phrase it like that.

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong but you and Henry are exactly the same. You try to protect others by hurting yourself. He does that all the time and apparently you do too"

"Henry loves you more than anything. He would be even more furious if he knew you hid the fact that he hurt you just so they can have a good relationship. If you're happy, he's happy"

I didn't hear her say anything but she reached out for my hand and held it tightly, making me look at her to see tears going down her face so l kept a tight grip on her hand until we arrived.

"I have to walk the rest. Stay here and I'll get him" I said reassuringly and she nodded.

I got out of the car and walked into the forest to where Henry was at.

I saw him sitting down on the grass, close to a lake as he played with the water a little.

I cleared my throat so he doesn't get a heart attack and he turned to look at me, giving me a small smile then looking in front of him again.

I sat down beside him "I saw my dad" he started off and I nodded, not saying anything yet "he said that he came back but my mom didn't let him stay or talk to me. Made me feel pretty shitty not gonna lie" he said laughing a little.

He pulled his hand out of the water and wiped it on his pants "you're a reasonable person who actually uses their brain in very difficult situations that most people would be very rational in and let their emotions take over. You definitely got that from your mom"

I don't know how to tell him that his dad hurt his mom.

Henry turned to look at me and he had a confused look on his face

"what are you trying to say?" He asked me "your mom didn't tell your dad to leave just because she felt like it"

I can see him realizing what I mean. I can see him getting angry as well.

I held his hand tightly "you can't be mad at your mom" I said holding the side of his face "I'm gonna kill him" he stood up and I held his arm "your mom is waiting for you in the car. I will take you to her when you promise me that you won't do anything stupid"

Henry looked away from me and I tightened my grip on his arm "I'm serious, Henry. Your mom is worried and she's in pain just like you are. Don't make any more trouble. If you don't care about what will happen to you or your dad then think about your mom"

This man doesn't care about himself the way he should but he cares about the people he loves. He will never do anything to hurt his mom.

He took a deep shaky breathe and closed his eyes, making a few tears fall down his face "baby?" I said cupping his face.

He hugged me tightly, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his face in the crook of my neck.

I heard him letting out a few sobs "I'm sorry" he mumbled and I shook my head "it's okay"

Henry claims to be well collected and seems very mentally stable but he is so damaged.

He's legit apologizing just because he's crying.

I think his mom is an amazing mother. She is so caring and loving but she's always working so Henry is alone almost all the time.

I am here for him now but he lived years on his own. I can't heal all of that in a short period of time.

"I don't know why l'm crying. I'm sorry-" I pulled back from the hug and cupped his face "I swear to god if you apologize one more time, I won't have sex with you for a week" I said making him laugh.

I placed my forehead on his "it's okay to cry. What you're going through is not easy at all"

After a bit, he calmed down and asked me to take him to his mom. I held his hand and led him towards the car.

His mom got out of the car the moment she saw him and waited for Henry to make the next move. He let go of my hand and stepped closer to his mom, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry, mom" he apologized and his mom shook her head "you have nothing to apologize for baby"

They backed away from the hug and Miss Hansen cupped Henry' face, wiping away his tears "let's go back home"

Henry turned to look at me "you want me to drive?" He asked me and I shook my head "it's okay"

He got in the backseat and his mom looked at me with tears in her eyes "thank you" she said making me smile "don't worry about it"

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