Chapter 28

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Amara's POV

I looked down at Henry and smiled slightly to see that he's in a very deep sleep.

After he told me about what Carter did, i didn't exactly know what to do or how to make things better other than just be here for him.

Better late than never I guess.

We talked a little, I made him laugh which was the main goal and then I saw how sleepy he got when I started playing with his hair so I just kept doing it for a while.

Of course my mom is going to kill me for being at Henry's house till this time but it's okay.

I've been yelled at by my mom sooo many times, the least I can do is make it over something that's actually worth it.

Henry is definitely worth it.


"What on earth were you thinking?! Staying out of the house till this time as if that's even okay!"

"Mom I was at Henry's-" I thought that would've worked since she loves Henry. I've talked about Henry a lot before and my mom thinks he's a very good influence on me considering my grades have been better and shit like that.

"So what?! That doesn't give you the right to stay out this late without asking me which if you did, I would've said no" heart beating so fast, tears in my eyes and everything. Yay.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled looking down. She kept yelling for a bit then she made me go to my room.

I hate when my mom yells at me. It's not that I'm not used to it but it's so overwhelming because she's so manipulative when she gets mad. Or just manipulative in general.

I know I messed up by staying out late without telling her but my dad never does this. He just talks to me normally and calmly which is so much better.

One time I was sad and overwhelmed with something that happened with a boy I was kind of with at the time and when my mom picked me up from her place, I stayed quiet the whole ride home because I was upset and my mom got so mad at me.

Like I had to go apologize and everything. Why? I didn't do anything wrong

I was upset and actually expressing it for the first time since we live in a household with three unexpressive human beings who barely show their emotions.

What am I supposed to do? Bottle it all up and cry alone in my room?

Well, I can do that-and I do because of the horrible connection my parents have with their feelings- but sometimes it gets really overwhelming to the point that I can't even act happy.

Whenever me and my mom have a big fight, I go tell my dad about it so he can talk to her since he at least tries to understand me and she gets even more mad that I told him.

What am I supposed to do?

All this woman does is teach me the things I don't want to do when I become a parent.

I don't hate her. I love my mom so much but she definitely caused me many issues.

"Can I come in?" I looked up to see my dad smiling at me as he opened the door a little. I sniffed and sat up, resting back against the headboard.

"I didn't mean to stay out late" I explained, wiping away my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie "I know baby but you know how protective your mom is. She gets worried and scared" he said sitting down in front of me.

"I know but why does she have to yell at me so much? Everything I do upsets her, I don't even know what to do anymore" my dad sat closer to me and pulled me into his embrace.

"I know that your mom is very moody and scary sometimes, I really do. Your mom thinks what she does is right and I know you probably don't want to know this but we've fought about it before because I can't watch her upsetting you like this without doing anything and I thought she'll start yelling less but apparently not"

"I'll try to talk to her more about this but for now, go apologize so you can sleep nicely and not think about her, okay?" I nodded my head and he kissed the top of my head then cupped my face "I love you" he added and I smiled weakly "I love you too"


"Hey you" Henry said as I stepped into the classroom. It was still empty since the bell didn't ring yet.

"Hi" he frowned his eyebrows as I placed my backpack down

"what's wrong baby?" I smiled and shook my head "nothing's wrong" I said sitting down on the chair beside him.

He turned in his chair to face me and held the bottom on my chair, pulling me closer to him easily. I know I'm upset but goddamn this man turns me on.

"Talk to me" he said placing his hands on my thighs. How?? you're making me nervyyy.

"I had a fight with my mom. That's all" I went to apologize and she literally shut me off, didn't even accept the apology. I hope my dad talks her into her senses because I don't know what more I can do.

"Oh why?" He asked me "just something stupid I did" I did do something stupid but I'm not going to tell him exactly why I got yelled at because I know he'll feel bad about it, thinking that it's his fault.

"Things like this happen and I'm sure they happen with your mom a lot but in the end of the day, she's your mom so she's not gonna be mad at you forever. You guys will make up at some point.." he tucked some of my hair behind my ear and smiled at me ".,you can't be stupid and sad. Pick a struggle" he said making me laugh.

"There's that pretty laugh" he quietly said making me blush a little.

He leaned in and pecked my cheek "how are you?" I asked him.

I hate Carter. I always knew there was something off about him but not to the point where he'd beat someone up for something they can't control.

"I'm good. Slept amazing last night, all thanks to you playing with my hair" he said making me smile widely "it was so cute. You curl up in a ball and everything"

He hid his face with her hands "no leave me alone. I'm embarrassed now" we kept talking and laughing a little. He really does help me forget about my problems.

"Fucking bitch" I heard Carter say, mostly pointing it at Henry for some reason "I'm literally a bitch too. Call me one, bitch." I said to him making him clench his jaw and stay quiet.

When I think about it, Henry and I are literally perfect together. I need someone calm and not as intense as me so we can complete each other if that makes sense.

Henry is very well educated as well -I am not unfortunately-but I think that's also good because he can teach me a lot of new things. I like listening to him talk especially smart people talk. It's so sexy.

"You're very... fast with your responses" Henry said making me laugh

"as I should be. Someone needs to put him in his place"

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