Next story's character bio

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I changed some of the older bits I had and I improved on the background and made it more believable hopefully

this is here to just give you an idea who this is about and also as a way to ask for what you'd like to see in the character and if I should add anything or delete anything. I'm setting up a soft spot he has for Eliksni so the relationship between him and Eramis will be set up better.

Also i read some comments and I decided to barely include any dialogue or hints that Nathan is a hunter and instead he'll show traits of each class instead of strictly being a hunter. Just so everyone can enjoy the story without it being upsetting if you aren't a hunter

Also here's the profile Solarsay2 for the next story it'll soon be uploaded there when I think the bio is good enough to upload

Physical Profile

Name: Nathan Caldwell
Age: 25
Born: November 10, 2126 (before the collapse)
Resurrected: September 23, 2744

Height: 5'9ft or 1.753 meters
Build: Athletic

Race: Human
Hair: medium length
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: blue

Background File:

Nathan is what could best be described as a loose cannon. Reports from missions show he blatantly disregards important information given during debriefing. This behavior has no ill intentions, as he simply has stated in his reports that he just prefers figuring things out on his own.

He displays an altruistic personality, with views that protecting others should always be put before protecting yourself . This behavior helps him connect with those around him, yet it also puts him in many self destructive scenarios.

Files often show he has a soft spot for Eliksni and often requests to not be put on missions involving them. Upon questioning as to why, Nathan then shared the story of how during his voyage to the last city when first revived he was spared by a Fallen Captain of the House of Devils. While injured from a fall he was assisted by the Captain who gave the New Light a history of humanities and Eliksni conflict from his perspective. He's stated he made a promise to the captain that day but has refused to say what exactly the promise was. It has remained unknown between him, the captain, and his ghost.

It has proven an issue in the past whenever House Salvation rose to power and the Exo-Stranger personally requested his assistance dealing with Eramis and her House. We eventually were able to convince him to travel to Europa and defeat House Salvations leaders and leave Eramis frozen. The aftermath left Nathan in depression, not opening up to why he felt such a way and instead just mentioning "the promise" he made all those years ago.

As years past, he has since recovered from the situation on Europa with help from his friends Saint-14, and the Drifter. He has gone on serval missions assisting the tower and forming alliances with other species like our allies at the House of Light. His ships navigational report shows he frequently visits the Eliksni quarters from time to time to assist them with anything they need.

With preparations for our battle with the witness I have suggested him to assist Lord Saladin in training the New Lights. But he declined the offer almost immediately and instead now assists Drifter with Gambit against my orders. I suppose that's the main thing you learn to understand when you work with Nathan... he just won't listen

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