Part 01 - Affair

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Mistress ll Part 01 🔞


Another day in this stupid mansion of drama, I was making breakfast for Mr and, the sound of heels echoed around the empty mansion as approached me.

"Again late for breakfast, why you're always late?" This bitch Irene scolded me like always, seems like she always does this on purpose as I only clenched my jaw stopping myself from snapping at her.

"Honey..give her a rest, she works everyday..unlike you" whispered the last two words.

"taehyung stop siding her all the time, I'm your wife"

She smirked looking at me as she emphasized the word "wife" thinking I'll be jealous of her, she loves gold digging even when she is a CEO of the kim company.

And then they both ate breakfast that I made, everything was settled as Irene was in the shower and was working in his own office. I'm here making lunch when's bodyguard came and told me that wanted a cup of tea, so now I made it and was about to hand it to him.

Knocking on the door, I heard his deep husky voice "come in" walking in I placed the tea mug on the table but as I turned around to walk away when that deep voice now called my name.

"Jen baby, come here.." his voice was so addicting and seductive, it can get anyone onto their knees for him.

I gulped and said "sorry sir..but I've work" before I could take a step I was pushed onto the couch beside me with his long veiny hands wrapped around my neck. "Don't be disobedient, respect your master if you wanna walk"

With that he smashed his lips into me and kissed me roughly.

The kiss was rough and harsh like usual with a hint of Lust "s-sir it's not t-the-" he squeezed my breast making me hiss in pain. "Shut up, didn't I told you to obey me?" He snuggled up in my neck leaving hickeys which almost made my nick bleed as he bit across it also "s-sir your wife will s-see us" I moaned from the sensation on my neck but he stopped.

"You talk too much kitten" again he attacked my lips which were swollen already.

He sucked on my bottom lips, before sliding his tongue into my mouth sucking my tongue too. His fingers trailed down to my exposed thigh as he caressed my inner thigh slowly making his way to my vagina as he rubbed my clothed panties, a soft moan left my mouth as he smirked.

"I love it when you're weak under me" not so soon enough the door burst opened and walked in while casually as was on top of me, my breath hitched as she caught us with her eyes widened.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Irene was fuming in anger, as we both looked at each other and immediately got up calmly and I just sat there terrified.


Y'all I don't hate Irene or anything, I choose her cause she's the only female idol who looks intimidating as hell after Jennie and she perfectly fits the character 😭

Anyways here you go, our cuties cuddling together.

Anyways here you go, our cuties cuddling together

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Mistress || TAENNIE 18+Where stories live. Discover now