Part 014 - First meet

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Kim taehyung 🥀

Jennie decided to first take her things to her new home. It didn't take her long to put everything away and organize. She sat the picture of her and kuma on nightstand.

Grabbing out all the cleaning supplies she would need, she started her rounds. She walked past a door, that she didn't remember mrs.lee mentioning.

As she walked she heard a loud scratching. At first she was gonna ignore it seeing that it wasn't he business. Until it got louder. After becoming fed up, she opened the door. Her heart snaked into her ass, as she came in contact with a dog.

It was not a dog, but a puppy?

How the fuck the most powerful man is living up with this cute creature.

Not too mention, the pup was similar to kuma in many ways..only a little more stronger.

Unlike calm kuma, this dog started to growl at Jennie. Not knowing who she was or why she was in its house "Oh shit, cute doggy shut up" she said backing away real slow.

"Oh please be a nice doggy" she begged. The dog bared it's teeth. Jennie was never afraid of kuma, but this dog infront of her was clearly about to attack on her and she's no in help.

With no where to really go, she jumped onto the kitchen counter. The dog growled and snapped, trying it's hardest to scratch her.

Reaching into her pocket to try and find her phone to call mrs.lee. Instant panic appeared on her face when she realised it was on the floor five feet away.

"For fucks sake" Jennie cried out.

。:゚🥀 ゚:。

Taehyung arrived at his house. He scanned his card that opened his gate. Pulling upto the house he instantly noticed the rusting black broken car in his driveway. Well for atleast him, it is broken. Huh? His wife was away for business purpose and ain't in million years, she gonna use a rusty car like this..

Must be the new maid then. He thought. He hoped this wasn't inexperienced unprofessional as last one. and mrs.lee to stop looking for various maids, it's simply getting annoying.

Approaching the door, he found a his unliking the door was already unlocked.

Sighing he twisted the knob heading in, the moment he walked through the doorway..he was greeted by yeontan his doggie. "What are you doing out?" He bend down to give his dog some affection.

"Please anyone!!" The soft yelling came from the kitchen. "The fuckk?" Tan followed him from the front door to where the voice came from.

He stopped in his steps as his eyes landed on a beautiful, adorable woman with cat eyes standing terrified on his counter.

"Who are you?" He instantly questioned, remaining emotionless.

"Uhmm h-hi I'm Jennie kim, the new house keeper..I was trying to get a start on the chores as you can see I'm very good with dogs..but your dog is uh too protective" Jennie said feeling embarassed as hell.

Jennie then took him in, people were absolutely right.

He was very dangerous.

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