Part 012 - Bittersweet

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Flashback 🥀

"Can you atleast give me a week" Jennie begged her landlord. The old wrinkled man smirked, licking his dried lips "What are you willing to do?" He ran his dry hand over her bare arms.

Jennie felt horrified, utmost disgusted too "I'll be out by the end of the week" she quickly said slamming the door. "What a sickass man" she mumbled to herself.

She knew she had nowhere to go, and not a damn soul to ask for help. She thought about asking her best friend lisa but she couldn't. You see lisa had a boyfriend who lived with her and they were pretty toxic but okay.

Constantly arguing, fighting and not to mention kicking each other out of her apartment. Jennie loved lisa, but she can't bring herself for another problem esp couples ircks her.

And she definitely couldn't call her mother. After slapping her mom's second husband at the age of 18 infront of all guest's, she hasn't talked with her ever since then. That was 8 years ago now she's 24 years old.

Deciding to test her luck she got on indeed and started looking into different jobs. She knew she would have to prove proof of employment, if she wanna leave this sick oldass apartment filled with creepy old men. She applied for every job in a 10 mile radius. Thankful she had got a rent car to get to those places.

She searched for a perfect job for an hour so, applying over 20 jobs in that time. Going towards her fridge she only had handful items to eat : eggs, leftover pizzas, a bowl of ramen uncooked.

"I don't even eat pizza" then it dawned on her "oh that's fucking nasty" she shook her head, deciding on the eggs and made herself a omelette adding cooked ramen. The package was from months ago it was still good..she thinks.

She felt a sniff at her ankle, startling she looked down to find her pet dog (kuma) eyeing her hungrily. "Oh my baby" she cooed and lend him two eggs..that would do him. She felt sad for her baby, her bad luck effecting the poor innocent pup.

Warming up the food more, she sat on her couch cuddling with her kuma, hoping to get a call.


Jennie has dosed off, after warming her food. She decided to re-watch stranger things. She shot up from her sleep due to her phone ringing. The number was unknown, and it was also close around to 9pm

"Hello?" She answered "Is this miss Jennie kim?" A woman who sounds like to be in her 40s asked. "This is Jennie, may I know who is this?"

"Ofcourse my apologies. My name is Lee sohyun. I'm the current house keeper of Mr. Kim. You applied to become his personal housekeeper?" Jennie's heart dropped. There's no way she had got blessed this fast. She didn't knew to whom she sent her resume, but luck really caught her.

"Yes yes I did!!" She said excitedly. "Great. So I'm calling to ask you some questions and confirm eligibility for the job. How does that sound?"

"Great" Jennie said overly excited. "Good. So on behalf of in order for you to qualify for the job are you willing to shift, yes?" Jennie thought. "Shifting?" She questioned.

"Yes you need to, cause this is a live in job" the woman on other line explained.

Jennie almost said no looking over at kuma, she can't leave her poor baby. But again scanning his condition..she decided that it would better if she let him go. She herself looks helpless and this job is a big opportunity for her.

"Yes, I can do that" she answered reluctantly.

"Lovely, we will require you to able to prove proof of korean citizenship. And also a current ID is required and a worth year's of medical history. And we will need to check your background history and finally you need to show us some work experience" Jennie's heart dropped a little, she had no experience in house keeping besides burning food and mopping.

"Are you still there" Woman questioned the silence "oh yes mam I'm just writing it all down"

"No worries love, if you can get all of these things in the next 48 hours then you will immediately be sent the location of your work place" mrs.lee concluded .

"Okay great, thank you so much" the ladies bid their goodbyes and Jennie quickly called her bestfriend.

"Bitch!!" She practically screamed into her mobile "Yesss!! Lisa replied.

"Your cousin still works at the Seoul city?" Jennie asked hurriedly "yes she's a manger now"

"Great. Now ask her that can I use her reference on resume?" Lisa laughed "I'm so fucking dead, I'll text her right now, what's going..are you okay?" Lisa questioned feeling something off with her dear friend.

"Just got a job opportunity, and I need to prove myself worthy for it..even in wrong way" lisa again laughed into the line "oh lord pftt"

"I know right" Jennie laughed with her.


Within the first 36 hours, Jennie had sent the required documents to ms.lee email. While waiting she had packed her home leaving behind her furniture. Most painful moment for her was to let go off kuma, she handed him into her neighbour's safe hands whose kid had always loved kuma dearly. It was hard but she has no better option.

She sighed, and within a hours times she got reply. Jennie almost nearly broke her foot jumping onto her bed to read the email.

Jennie kicked and screamed waving her arms around like a kid

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Jennie kicked and screamed waving her arms around like a kid. "Yesss!!" She cried out happily. After the high of happiness she became bittersweet. She had scraped every tooth and nail to get this little apartment.

If these walls could talk, they would tell thousand stories on how she spent all her teenage. She had every major good memories with this apartment filled with her and kuma's sound of laughs. Now she was saying goodbye to both of them. This apartment was her biggest accomplishment and she felt in a corner that she might come back soon...

But for now to say goodbye felt almost unrealistic.


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