Part 015 - Out of service

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Taehyung × Jennie 🥀

Taehyung watched in amusement as Jennie moved around his kitchen. She had beef cooking on one pan, rice bowling in a pot and vegetables being cut off. He was surprised how she could make a decent meal when he barely had any food.

Ofcourse that would be her job now, since he had barely had any time to make grocery store trips or mrs.lee could work that long outdoor.

Within minutes, the house smelled like good cooking and even better seasonings.

。:゚🥀 ゚:。

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。:゚🥀 ゚:。

Jennie finished her cooking, her nerves were all over the place due to her boss watching her the whole time. She tried to make light conversation but he barely spoke. Instead just observed her intensely.

She served him food first, she also placed a fork, chopsticks and napkin beside his plate. Then she again went back to kitchen to start re-cleaning.

"You're not gonna eat?" Taehyung questioned, not even caring to take a bite of his food. "Oh, uhm. I don't want to leave the kitchen a mess" she said nervously.

"It's fine, I'll help later..sit and eat" taehyung held a spoonful of bulgogi mixed with rice around his chopstick. Jennie felt awkward as hell..

"Hmm?" He gestured her with his eyebrows to take the bite so she obeyed. She sat beside him on one of the chairs. Opening her mouth, she allowed her boss to feed her. She chewed the food and felt satisfied that it turned out great. Taehyung followed another bite using same chopstick.

Her heart raced, and she would be the biggest liar if she said it wasn't a turn on. " you like it?" She shuttered out.

Taehyung hummed approvingly. He more than liked it, he fucking loved it. It had been a long since he had good home cooked meal. He used to think only of his mom and mrs.lee as the best cookers, but now having Jennie's hand cooking was prominently better than ever.

"It's very good, really" he complimented genuinely.

He saw Jennie hiding her smile and for some reason it warmed his insides more than the food. They continued to eat in complete silence. When it was done, as he promised he even helped her clean up a bit.

How generous

Jennie couldn't help admiring him.

When it was all done, Jennie met up with mrs.lee who entered the kitchen as soon as taehyung took the leave with a satisfied smile.

"Ahem so what's this good smell?" Mrs.lee asked curiously.

"Ah mam, just finished serving sir the dinner" mrs.lee smiled at her.

"What about me young lady?" She nudged Jennie's arm teasingly "omo- I'm sorry mrs.lee, if you want-"

"Haha stop it, I'm a worker here just like you, don't be so informal with me..I just finished cleaning tae's room so I thought of checking you over" Jennie paused for a second taking in the new name

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