Part 08 - Kidnapped

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Today I got my first payment which means I can finally purchase some healthy food for my baby and necessary needs. I left to grocery store after my shift and again I felt that someone following me..

I assumed that person to be taehyung's men but this time the feeling was very strange. It looks like this man was abt to attack me once he catches me, without thinking twice I ran near my apartment but someone pressed a napkin on my nose harshly and I immediately blacked out.

The next thing I knew I was in a dark basement and controversial is that it's not taehyung's..if it's not him then who else even bought me here? Why they even..

Wait I'm i k-kidnapped?..

I gulped down my saliva in fear..I was not fearing death but about my baby because my baby is the only one I have of as taehyung's memory.

I hate that I still love him, no matter what I just hope he's happy with his wife and new child.

My thoughts were halted when I heard the door being opened and a deep voice was heard..

"Look who we have here? Taehyung's mistress huh?"

He has this ugly smirk on his face as his hands harshly gripped on my hair pulling me close to his face..oh taehyung pls where are you..just this time save me..

Atleast for our baby, please..


Life has been a mess at the moment that I don't even know where my paths are leading me. I kicked Irene out long ago..

And Jennie is gone..and now I'm all alone just like my old self.

But didn't I told those fuckers to look for my Jennie? Yet still they keep on disappointing me all the time. Gosh they're so useless, one day I'll end up killing everyone of them if they don't bring her to me soon.

Sitting on my office chair being depressed not knowing what to do but just tapping my foot impatiently waiting for any good news about Jennie's search..then my phose buzzed all of sudden startling me.

I picked it up and..what I saw left me shook.

"W-what is going o- Irene?" I saw Irene being tied up in a chair who was struggling hard to escape with a little blood flowing from the corner of her lips.

I didn't cared much cuz..that bitch betrayed me as she always wanted. Even I did betrayed her b-but it's just different urgh!! I was debating whether to send my men to save Irene or let it be..

But then another video caught my sight making my heart skip a beat as I got goosebumps

"No...N-No not..J-je-jennie!!"


I felt cold water being flashed all over me as I struggled keeping my eyes open to see two men standing there with their masks on not revealing their faces to me.

"Don't worry you won't be alone soon but for now wait and tolerate the pain" they were about to hit me, but I felt nothing

"C'mon we are not that cowards, sehun.. let's not hit a pregnant woman" another man joined along, his words giving me a slight relief.

But wait..s-sehun? Isn't he..

"But sir she is his weakness, we have to do something with her" sehun shook his head not taking his eyes off from me "suho is right, let him arrive first with his money, contract papers..then we can kill both of them at a time haha"

My eyes widened "n-no my b-baby and tae-taehyung"

I couldn't say anything as my mouth was taped with a duck tape, I tried to mumble but it was all in vain..

"Shut up, you're so annoying" saying that sehun was about to slap me "o-oppa pls she's also pregnant" that voice.. it's so familiar.

I turned around to see Irene also being tied up in a chair, she looks more injured..did they perhaps hit her?

H-how can sehun do this to his own sister!?! Tears welled up in my eyes..I felt sad for her, she's also pregnant just like me. But why tf she's here? Where is that taehyung? Did he just abandoned both of us?

"My pretty sister.. don't you dare to interfere" he said pointing the gun under my chin having my breath hitched..

"But sehun.. your sister is right" my eyes widened and fluttered in joy recognising the voice.

"Taehyung?" I whispered under my breath.

"Both of them are pregnant..leave both of them out of our fights" taehyung muttered gritting his teeth, in return sehun just chuckled darkly..

"Oh I know that buddy..but both of them are your babies soo hm.. I'll let you decide to..keep only one"

That's it.. I'm gonna die today for sure cause I know taehyung will definitely choose his wife.. clearly cuz me and my baby hold no place beside him or he has put any value over us. My tears couldn't stop falling knowing how helpless I was..

This is why you should never be a side chic, one day it hurts knowing your place and my place is dying infront him but my baby..he/she doesn't deserve this at all yet no cares about my agony. I cried out.

"Fucker, Irene is your sister, how can even think of torturing her!?" Taehyung screamed out.. ofcourse he would defend his wife afterall.

"Let me make it clear, she's my step sister and I knew she's useless the moment you brought yourself a mistress" sehun shrugged his head seemingly disappointed.

"So I could care less about my so called sister" sehun declared now pointing the gun in his hands now towards Irene.

"C'mon Mafia can do this, wife or mistress"

My eyes made eye contact with taehyung's when he mouthed "sorry"..I felt sehun's pointing towards my direction once again..I closed my eyes as more tears fell..this is it..I will die will my innocent unborn baby.

"Mommy loves you so much baby, I'm so did nothing to deserve this!" I thought looking down at my belly pouring my tears but at this point I was ready to die, I even apologized to my lil one.

Then I heard the sound of gunshoot achoing loudly all around

BOOM !!!


Okay gonna upload next chapter only after 30 votes.
And Who do you think was shot? 👀

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