Part 20 - Shopping

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"Mrs.lee, how do you feel about Tteokbokki for our dinner tonight?" Jennie asked. She has just finished cleaning the house and even reorganizing the kitchen to her Liking.

"I think that would be great, but there is no rice Left" mrs.lee sighed, checking over for the necessary ingredients.

Jennie smiled that she would go out for grocery shopping by this  "Do you mind if I made a store run and buy all the sufficient necessaries? The kitchen cupboards are empty too"

"That's a good thing, you want me to join you? The amount of shopping that includes.." being kind-hearted mrs.lee offered jennie but she denied, smiling again.

"It's okay-"

"I'll come with you" taehyung blurted out who has been sitting on the couch with a glass of scotch in his hands, watching them all the time.  "Excuse me?" Jennie said completely surprised. "Any problem, Jennie?" He questioned walking towards the kitchen.

"No Sir- I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't think that you would want to. Or even that you would be out in public, especially since I'm the housek-"

"Jennie-shi I think you should let him join, it would do the carrying back help" mrs.lee patted Jennie's shoulders, motioning her to let him join her.

"N-no mrs.lee, he has a high image to be in public with me and-"

"Jennie" taehyung said softly. "You're rambling" he chuckled, he would be a fool if he didn't admire her. Jennie smiled herself. "I'm sorry" she apologized, mentally facepalming herself.

。:゚🥀 ゚:。

The drive to the grocery store was awkward to say the least, they took his Porsche, the car was definitely giving Luxury. They ended going to Lotte Mart store.

Taehyung kept one hand on the wheel and one dangerously close to her thigh. Badly, so fucking badly he wanted to touch her. Jennie couldn't wait for the drive to be over, the silence was literally killing her. She was grateful when she saw the sight of the store reaching near.

They parked the car and exited, instantly Jennie felt all eyes on them. People gawked and stared at her boss as if he was some type of celebrity. Grabbing a buggy from the cart, they headed inside.

"Sir, Do you not go to the store often?" Jennie questioned "stop calling me sir in public, and no not at all. I usually have things delivered or picked. I'm not fan of humans" she chuckled, atleast he was honest.

They walked through the store, taking all the products Jennie needed at the house. She made sure to grab extra rice bags since they were running low. All the time while taehyung followed her quietly like a husband with his wife.

His eyes remained lowered on her backside, he loved watching her ass sway. Loved the way it moved in that dress, the idea of giving it a hard slap made his dick hard in pants "God help me.." he whispered.

Jennie turned to him. "I'm sorry, taehyung. Did you say something?" He shook his head. They continue down aisle grabbing the items they needed for tonight and more. She grabbed fresh vegetables along leafy, also grabbed meat food.

Jennie was too busy looking through the packets of ramen to notice a little girl, way too small to be pushing a cart coming around the corner fast.

On instant taehyung grabbed her, her back hit his chest with a thud. The sudden movement made her gasp.

Taehyung kept one hand around her stomach. The feeling warming her up, in more places than one "You need to be careful" he said slightly worried about her.

His dick was hard noticeably. Jennie wanted to comment but she couldn't, the print pressed against her back. The idea of seeing it made her panties wet and her insides warm.

Taehyung dipped his head so his mouth was on her ear, his warm breath fanning her skin. "Now miss Jennie, take responsibility" he told her with a small lick of her earlobe. Jennie wanted to protest but she couldn't.

A small grin on her face, satisfied with the affect she had on him. Though inappropriate to say the least.

"I'm sorry sir" she said allowing him to keep hold of her as they continued to walk.

Taehyung smirked at her obedience, as they came around the aisle he saw the same little girl. As much as he was irritated by the child almost hitting Jennie, he couldn't lash on her. He loves kids a lot, and he doesn't know whether he could ever see himself having any kids in this lifetime.

Jennie looked up taking in taehyung's height. She hasn't realized just how tall he was. The man was atleast 5'10.5 inches compared to her 5'3 inches.

A fine ass giant. She thought.

They finished shopping, grabbing everything along the way. They went to the counter for the bill payment. "Alright, your total is 9.895" Jennie's mouth nearly fell off, she barely spends 3.000 or less. "Okay can we take down some ite-"

Before she could finish her sentence, a black card tapped the screen. She looked back at her boss, her mouth opened but no words came out. He smirked helping the cashier load the bags into the car. Exciting the store, Jennie was reminded that these are for him and his house. So ofcourse, he would pay for them.

"Jennie?" Taehyung called for the second time. She looked away from the window to meet his brown eyes. "Yes?" She responded.

"Don't ever do that again" he said calmly "as long as you work for us, live under my roof. You will never need to live below your means" taehyung told her sincerely. It was as if he has read her insecurities.

"Yes...yes sir..." He reached across, resting his hand on her thigh. The small gesture having more meaning than either of them realised.

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