Part 27 - Accept me, please

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Taehyung rose from the bed like the dead. He hated mornings with passion. He looked over the bed and realised that his girl had been missing.

Throwing the sheet over the side he stood, locating his trunks he threw them on. He headed towards the sound of running water, opening the door he found who he was looking for.

The shower glass was steamed but it still revealed enough. His dick grew hard all over again. He listened as she hummed, it brought a small smile to his face.

She hums in the shower, how cute...he thought happily. Badly he wanted to interrupt, go in, bend over her over the gods. Pound her tight pussy till she begged for him to stop. The idea of handcuffing her to the ceiling, while he ate her hardly sounded fun too.

The dominant in him was easing to the surface and he had no control over how it showed itself. The water was shut off, and a freshly washed Jennie exited. She jumped at the sight of him.

"G-good- morning s-sir" She greeted nervously yet shyly "Morning" he greeted back "You looked refreshed" taehyung instantly noticed the glow around her.

"Thank you, taehyung" his name rolled off her tongue smoothly, oh how much he loved that sound.

"I should probably get dressed, and get ready for work-"

"How would you like to take the day off?" Jennie froze, she was afraid that this would happen. "Look I enjoyed last night but you know this job is my livelihood and I can't-"

"Really? But just few weeks ago you were crying to leave the job?" Jennie's breathing stopped, not liking where this conversation was going.

"That was under different circumstances and Sir-" taehyung stood infront of her, wrapping an arm around her slim waste.

"Again..I told you already, call me taehyung. When it's just us, I'm just taehyung" he whispered into her ears. "T-taehyung, I can't afford to loose this job due to lust" she confessed.

Taehyung pulled her nape not giving her a response, instead he showed her. He kissed her, Passionately. Holding in her place by her neck so she wouldn't run.

When he pulled away to let her breathe, their breaths were ragged. "I don't what is this, but I'm sure this ain't just lust" he told her.

"B-but you've a wife..I don't wanna be a third wheel"

"No..I want you..only you! And I'm willing to earn you it that means you will take me serious" he confessed almost a critical way to confess.

Maybe at first it was just lust, but for the last week and a half he spent staying away from her proved a lot, proved that his feelings of having and wanting her were so strong and genuine. But he didn't knew how he could name that. He watched her laugh, and enjoyed his time with her. She was the only person in his life to be remembered as something special, someone forever special to him.

And yes she was just a maid, and yes he haven't been 90 days since she's here but he didn't care. Her job wasn't a title of who she is as a person. It was just her job. He knew that very well.

She was humble, sweet and thoughtful. Jennie was a breath of fresh air in his world, that was so polluted with bullshit and blood.

And he wanted to show her that. Maybe he was silly with her and even naive sounding at the age of almost 30 with married status. And he would be a liar if he said he would give a fuck about anything expect the beautiful petite girl infront of him.

"Taehyung..your wife.." she spoke

"Let me, please.. she's just a paper of contract.. I'm sure mrs.lee have already told you the history..until the contract is about to end, we will take the things slow, sneaky slow"

Jennie smiled by his honesty feelings towards his contracted wife, she was at relief. But then her smile again faded..

"What about my job? And what if someone finds out..your image.." she asked him scared backing away, in her whole life, she never ever wants to be known as a mistress to the world.

"No one dares to raise a mouth against you, if they does.. their heads will be chopped off" taehyung grabbed her back, taking her wrist in his. "Please Jennie..accept me.."

He was ready to beg if it meant that she will accept him. Have her all to himself.

Jennie felt like her world stopping at his request, why doesn't she feel like she was about to do something very wrong..? Perhaps it was not. Before she could realise, her head nodded to his pleading.

Taehyung gripped her ass hosting her up in his arms happily, pressing his lips into hers. Jennie couldn't help but grin. He sat her on the counter admiring her beautiful body.

"I know you're sore, and I can even see the bruises I it's better to take a leave today" Jennie blushed as he touched her.

"I just wanted you to get back your strength back and maybe rest a little while" he said gently removing a strand of hair from her face.

Jennie could use a lot more sleep and maybe actually soak instead of a shower. But she had to work. "What about my job tae? I don't want this.." she mentioned between.

He nodded understandably, he more than knew that this girl doesn't like taking advantage of him just to diss her work and that's what he admires most about her. "I'll be working from home today, so I'll be around. You can do some chores the rest I'll handle secretly" he said hoping she wouldn't argue more.

Jennie wanted to argue very badly. But the way he was stroking her thighs and peppering kisses on her neck. He had won over her.

When she tried to argue he used his skills in communication by shutting her up. Taehyung let her go to get changed, telling her to do the same. So She threw some very comfortable clothes over her body and got ready.

Jennie walked into the kitchen, there was already breakfast cooked. She recognised the familiar smell. It was pancakes, all delicious fruits on top of it with a lot of strawberries decorated with a note attached to the side.

Had got out for a while, Irene ain't returning for next five days.. so don't be over stressed about any house chores, I'll be back soon to join you!

And don't forget to have your favt breakfast that I made for you, my sweet girl :)
- your sexy man, taehyung.

Jennie smiled, appreciative of his efforts. Confused about everything going on though. It was very much rushed but she ain't regretting if he's treating her this way.

She ate the yummy breakfast, and all she could think was how she hoped this wasn't a mistake or end up badly. She loved her job surprisingly, and the last thing beside she wanted was to loose her everything just over a fling.

She was aware that from on, taehyung will be another half of her, even if it's a private but secret.

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