Part 016 - Wife's back

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Irene 🥀

Jennie was in the middle of cleaning while humming some songs doing the dishes. She was going to be cooking tonight for her boss. They had fell into this routine over the past few weeks.

They ate breakfast, sometimes lunch. And taehyung promised they'll always eat dinner together, or more so they shared his food since she never really has any appetite. She was actually enjoying her job. Not to mention the pay was everything she could ask for.

Just she put the last dish away and wiped down the counter, she heard tan's loud barking from the front door. Surprisingly her and tan had come to an good deal that she will feed him leftovers and he stops trying to annoy her.

She still wasn't over the fact kuma and tan are two different dogs, no wonder why she got so easily along with her boss's dog.

"Tannie?" She called out the dog but still he barked "tannie!!" She yelled out again.

Wiping off her hands she went to where he was. She saw what was bothering him, there was a woman standing at the door. Opening the door she was greeted with a scowl.

It was past night, who could this woman be? Jennie thought before she could interrogate, the woman pushed herself into the house and passed her like a wind "excuse me?"

The woman was short almost same height as her, she wore way too short dress showing her milky thighs. Not to mention she was insanely beautiful with long thick black hair and thin lips. But her attitude was shit.

The woman turned to Jennie to look at her "what are you doing in my house?" She said stepping closer to Jennie, as soon as the woman opened her mouth

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The woman turned to Jennie to look at her "what are you doing in my house?" She said stepping closer to Jennie, as soon as the woman opened her mouth..the smell of alcohol hit Jennie's nostrils making her dizzy.

It wasn't like Jennie doesn't drink, but living in's house for days..she kept all her bad habits aside for the sake of her job.

Thankfully tan stepped between them, growling at the woman.

"Ahh this annoying dog, get out of my way" she pushed tan aside. The last thing Jennie wanted was to beat the tan shit out of this woman.

"I'm asking you, are you dumb!?! Who the hell are you? Where's my husband?" She growled at Jennie once again and it stuck her..

Don't tell me she's

" isn't home mam, he won't be for another hour so. And I'm the new house keeper" Jennie asked remaining as professional as she could, she can't let her boss wife's have a downgrade thought abt her.

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