Part 07 - Running away

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Watching the love of my life walk out of the door was more painful than all the injuries I ever got..but what now? My egoistic and coward side took over me and now my child along with the mother are gone. And now I'm gonna have a child with that witch,

Speaking of that witch, I don't trust and will never cause I clearly know her intention of setting me up for this stupid marriage. I'll definitely do a DNA test for proof.

I walked into our shared bedroom where Irene was looking out of the window, I cleared my throat catching her attention and continued "you're gonna be taking a DNA test tomorrow, whether you like or hate it" before she could say anything I went back to my office.

If I'm not the father of Irene's child then I'll fucking make her life miserable but before that I need to bring back Jennie into my life. I need to check my priorities first.


A slap landed on Irene's as I took a hand full of her hair, pulling it..we were actually about to take DNA test but before that she showed me her true colours.

"No matter what class of family you're from, your personality is fucking TRASH!!" with that I threw her on the couch, not that too harshly because I'm not that heartless to harm a unborn baby even if it's not mine. I called all of my guards and in next second they were all ahead of me waiting for my command


With that I walked into her bedroom, sitting on her bed her arouma hit my nose as my eyes got closed caressing the bed where she used sleep and where we made love countless times..a tear flowed down remembering all our memories together.

"It's all my fault..for marrying that witch and not letting you know my feelings since earlier" I immediately wiped that tear which was about to fall, I shouldn't be weak.

But I can't help it. She was pregnant with no one on her side, and she's very she will go through everything alone?

"Please Jennie come back to me.. I'll never ever hurt you again, I c-cant imagine my life without y-you.." I gripped the bed sheet tightly sobbing slightly. I never thought I would ever shed tears, let alone for my parents..but look at me right now all vulnerable.

"Wherever you're, please be safe until I find you and then I'll never let you go again no matter what it costs"


It's been two weeks and I can't get a doctors appointment to check up on my baby.. it's midnight as I woke up for 5th time to use the restroom as it's a pregnancy symptoms. I went back to the bed all tired still thinking of where to get a new job to pay for my rents, I was thinking to go back to my old job...I hate the boss that bitch flexes about her rich ass husband.

With that I went back to sleeping dreaming about him again.. it's hard to forget him as these past few days I cried like lunatic but I cared to stop cause crying is not good for my baby but what can I do his/her father is a huge jerk. Thank god I left him...I didn't wanted my baby to know or be like their father. I have dreams about going back to his arms where my safest place is held..

I don't think that's possible as he's now more happier with his other child.

The next morning I went to an interview in a store to be a cashier but that was useless because they said that I won't be fit as a cashier so I went to my second interview as a waitress in a cafe, which went successful..finally now I've a job.

My shift is gonna be started from tomorrow so today I'm free, taking that as a chance I went on a walk near the Han river to calm down my heart, caressesing my belly I kept thinking about how I will raise my child alone..all the bills, care and responsibilities he/she definitely needs a father. But it's fine, I'll not give up and will raise my child alone.

I felt like someone was following me but I just thought I was hallucinating, though to be safe I immediately left home cause I don't want my future child to go through the same pain like I went through, I never want my child to know about their father who is a fucking moron and a cheater.

Next morning

Waking up to another day of misery, last night I slept very early but still I feel sleepy as my pregnancy symptoms are making me go crazy to the point where I've to wake up every two minutes either to vomit or release my pain. I didn't even eat my breakfast properly yet left the apartment hurrying for my new job.

After a while my shift will be over, I sighed happily and made myself a juice since I can't drink coffee and left after greeting my boss. My boss is a married woman, she is good and nice but very strict and punctual. I'm glad she never judged me or looked down on me.

Feels like my life is going back to normal..maybe I can be happy again.

Walking down the streets as the wind blowing my hair out which was irritating cause I hate it when my hair gets in the way blocking my view.

Then I suddenly saw someone that was close to taehyung or his bodyguard, I clearly don't remember. I secretly took another route to home and ran away from him, but while walking on another route I still felt a dark shadow following me.

Damn how many men he sent to chase me? Isn't he ashamed?

I thought and cleverly ditched those men and ran to my apartment making sure they didn't acknowledged the place I'm living in.

I'll never go back to him, I'll run away as possible as far from him. I don't need him in my life anymore, nor my child does.


Guys what are your thoughts about this book? Is this intresting enough or should I add more spice? 👀

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