Part 02 - business trip (M)

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Mistress ll part 02


I just sat there terrified looking at fuming until spoke "honey..uhmm..she had s-something in her eyes, so I was just helping her" he smiled innocently and signalled me to leave with our eye code as I ran away from there to my dorm.

Making the dinner for the couple in kitchen, I was cutting some Vegetables when a pair of hands were wrapped around my waist "hmm the food smells good but you..smell better" he started to leave wet kisses down from my jaw to collarbone.

"S-sir someone might see us" he cut me off fastly by slamming me to the counter "how many times do I have to tell me taehyung not sir..I just hate it" I just nodded instead of responding, he was about to kiss me again and then..

Irene walked in which made taehyung loose his grip on me and move away. He was obviously irritated that he can't do anything with me now. Irene eyed both of us and said "make the dinner quick Jennie"

I sighed..

Next day

Another morning of drama, but I didn't knew there was a good news waiting for me. Serving their breakfast I watched as Irene being touchy with taehyung. Somehow it made me jealous, I didn't how to endure this feeling but it happens everytime the couple gets touchy or lovey dovey. I stood there and watched them eat or serve them more whenever they ask.

I just listen to their conversations from far like always.

My eyes widened when I heard "honey.. don't you have a business trip?" Taehyung said while chewing his food. "Oh yeah the flight is at 1:00 pm" I was so delighted and excited that I can be live freely not until..

I remembered that will be home alone with me.. I'm done for tonight!!

"Jennie clean the table and help Irene pack her bags" taehyung ordered me finishing his food..great now more work for me.

As Irene left I went to my dorm to take a shower, after showering I wore my maid outfit.

I got out and caught Mr

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I got out and caught's dinner but all the maids have disappeared. This a sign of what abouts to come but ofcourse I just focused on my work only until I felt a heavy muscular body on mine as it bend me over the counter moving all the things..seeing the large veins on the hands I quickly understood that it was taehyung.

"Mind having some kitchen sex..cause you're also one of my most delicious dish" he whispered in my ears before licking his way to my shoulders. I shuddered as I felt his boner poking my ass.

Mistress || TAENNIE 18+Where stories live. Discover now